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Frankston Ladies Probus Club Inc.A0009713S

Meeting the second Thursday of every month,

10 am–12 noon, Community of Christ Church,

2 Logan Street, Frankston

PO BOX 7109. Karingal Centre, 3199







                          ABN: 26813456449w2











               President:            Susan Lindsay    0408 140 469       Secretary    Vera Runacres   0408 586 914

Vice President:   Anita Davies:      0438 862 091       Treasurer:    Terhy Jones:     5971 1128







$50.00 payment for Christmas lunch is due today.


No Speaker today  

Birthdays: Only three this month - Happy Birthday to Helen Anthony 1st, Velta Harris 2nd, and Sylvia Meehl 13th. Hope you have a great birthday girls.


Welfare: Pat Peter has recently spent 4 days in Frankston Hospital but is now home. I’m hoping she’s well enough to come today.

Don’t forget, if you know of someone who is unwell, please let Joan (9750 6209) or Vija (9781 4635) know.



16 Dec    Christmas lunch at Norwood House – make own way, be there for 12 midday- long range

               weather forecast is for 23+ degrees – beautiful day! REMEMBER - DRESS TO IMPRESS. 

19 Dec     Coffee Morning: Bargain Basement Pop-up-shop – last minute Christmas gifts.




09 Jan              General Meeting: Maria Matser, former Myer lift driver, will talk about her experiences.

16 Jan              Coffee morning - talk about our experiences over Christmas/New Year.

23 Jan              Lunch Steeples


13 Feb             General meeting Speaker: Barry Gomm will give us a talk on the history of Ginger Meggs.

20 Feb             Coffee Morning: TBA

27 Feb             Tour Dame Nellie Melba’s garden, “Coombes” – p/u 9.00am Starzone car park Karingal

                        Centre. Cost $65.00, lunch at own cost at a place to be advised. On our arrival a

                        Devonshire tea will be served before we commence our tour. The tour takes about an hour.


12 Mar             Annual General Meeting – no speaker.

19 Mar             Auction? To be or not to be, that is the question!  


Please consider becoming a Committee member, it really is very rewarding. And while you’re at it -

please consider the fate of your Club if nobody stands for Committee.  In March 2020 I will have been on the Committee for 20 years. Don’t you think it’s time for me to stand down? Of course it is. And Tehry needs to stand down as Treasurer, she’s been doing it for 4 years now and she simply must rest.

Unfortunately what happens is no-one wants to take on any positions so the person who holds that position usually ends up saying “Oh alright, I’ll do another year!”  And that’s how you suddenly find yourself 20 years later still on the Committee.


Think about the impact on your life if the club folds.


Just think about it.


FYI: Nomination forms for the Committee are available at the front desk. From Jeanne or Betty.


Any chance some kind soul would like to relieve me of doing the outings, organising the speakers and arranging the coffee mornings - it doesn’t have to be one person doing the lot like me, this has just got out of hand; one person per job, that’s the way it used to be, makes it easy. Even taking over one of the jobs would be a marvellous help.


As you can probably guess from this very indulgent plea, I’m tired and Tehry is tired. There must be someone within this Club who is prepared to help out. Plagiarising President Kennedy’s inauguration speech –


“And so my fellow Probians, ask not what your Club can do for you, ask what you can do for your Club”.


 Puzzle corner (with thanks to my free Coffee News): The answer to last month’s question: “What 1991 film won four Oscars for best film, best actor, best actress and best director?” is Silence of the Lambs – (did you get the hint “sheep”?)

 Question: “With which organ does a snake hear?”  Answer next month


  In the meantime let’s talk about my life as a Senior Citizen.

I’m the life of the party, even if the party goes until 8.30pm.

I’m smiling all the time because I can’t hear a thing you’re saying.

I’m not really grouchy, I just don’t like traffic, waiting, crowds, queues, lawyers, loud music, unruly kids, barking dogs, politicians and….. there’s few other things; I just can’t seem to remember them right now.

I’m wrinkled, saggy and lumpy.

If you’re only as old as you feel how can I be alive at 150?

I’m a walking storeroom of facts – I’ve just lost the key to the storeroom door.

I’m sure they are making adults much younger these days and tell me, when did they let

these young kids become policemen?

Actually, you know what? – I think I’m having the time of my life.




One day a police car pulled up to Granny’s home and out stepped Grampy. The Constable explained that this elderly gentleman had been found wandering in the local gardens and said he was lost. “Why, Henry” said Granny, “You’ve been going there for over 30 years! How on earth could you say you’d got lost?”

Leaning in close to Granny so the police officer couldn’t hear he whispered “Wasn’t exactly lost, dear, I was just too tired to walk home.”


Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow.