Forster District Combined Probus Club
Media and Document Library
... the library is easy to use, and you will find lots of interesting stuff here.
Access to the library has been simplified. The 'cover note' which accompanies the monthly electronic distribution of the club's Bulletin, often includes a link which will take you directly to the clubs archives (and a password is no longer required).
If you have a PC or other device which enable you to connect to the internet, then you should be able to access the archives as described above. However, if you have not yet registered to receive the monthly Bulletin by email, then please provide your email address to officers on the front desk and you will be added to the mail-list.
If you have a PC - but have not set up an email service and require assistance to do so, then please attend one of the Computer Help sessions for assistance.
Policy regarding use of Photos and Other Media
Photos, videos and other media of club activities and which are held, donated or otherwise acquired by the Probus Combined District Probus Club (“the Club’) may be utilised for club purposes, including for display in club meetings, inclusion in the member’s Bulletin, being made available to members of the Club for their private use through the club’s archive facility, and for external publicity.