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Incorporated on 5 May 1999 – No: Y2972544   Probus Club No: 57556

Membership of our club is open to men and women who are retired or semi-retired and who wish to develop social contact, and enjoy having friendship, fellowship and fun with other residents of Dapto and its surrounding area.

Probus Clubs are non-political and non-sectarian and as Probus is not a Service Club, so it does not engage in Fund raising or Community Sponsorship.

In order to maintain the ongoing success of the club, we anticipate that all members may at some time become involved in its organisation, and support sporting and social activities when they are able. Members are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis and notify the Membership Officer of non-attendance, as required by the Probus Constitution.

Probus stands for friendship, fellowship and fun and we promote this in many ways.

Our current subscription rate is $25/year plus a one-off initial joining fee of $15 to cover a name badge.  The annual subscription covers Probus South Pacific (PSPL) insurance and the online version of the  Active Retirees Magazine

A membership limit of 124 persons applies, and under our Standing Regulations we are bound to maintain a gender balance of 60%/40%, with female members generally in the majority.

These two requirements mean there is often a Waiting List for prospective new members.  Ladies and gentlemen on our Waiting List are able to purchase a special name badge and to participate in all Tours, Functions and other club activities subject to booking and payment of the required fee. 

Whilst we do not limit membership to local residents, our stated aim is to give membership priority to those residing in the 2530 Postcode area.