AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

The operation of all Probus clubs is co-ordinated by a Management Committee elected annually by the members.

Committee members are responsible for each aspect of club activity, such as tours and functions, guest speakers, welfare of members, finance and secretarial matters and the change over of committee members at the Annual General Meeting.

Committee members are assisted by designated club members in their roles.


Our 2024 - 2025 Club Management Committee members as confirmed at the AGM are:

  • President ........................................Pam Bearce

  • Vice President..................................Don Somerville

  • Secretary.........................................Gabrielle Bain

  • Treasurer.........................................Mary O'Brien

  • Bulletin Editor .................................Roxanne Zolin
  • Technical Officer..............................Graham Mills

  • Catering Officer...............................Christine Saunders

  • Welfare Officer.................................David Simpson

  • Membership Officer ........................Susan Hamlyn

  • Publicity Officer...............................Don Somerville
  • Tours & Events Coordinator.............Ian Yoxall (assisted by other members)

  • Programs Officer.............................Ian Yoxall

  • Door Prize Coordinator...................Ian Kelly

  • Website Coordinator.. ....................Pam Bearce