AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


The Probus Club of Bribie Island Inc was formed in 1985 and functioned as a men’s only club until  6 September 2011 when the first women members were admitted to membership. The club took the decision due to the national move towards establishing mixed clubs (thereby enabling couples to join as members), the need to recruit younger members and to become more inclusive.The club’s membership has flourished since then, with new members joining on a regular basis.

There are still clubs in Australia that have exclusive membership of either males or females, but generally clubs are mixed clubs.

HOW TO JOIN OUR CLUB "The Probus Club of Bribie Island Inc."

Persons interested in joining our club are encouraged to attend two meetings* to ensure that they are fully aware of club commitments, including the requirement to attend at least 50% of General Meetings and willingness to consider serving on the Management Committee at some time during their membership.

Application to join our club includes completion of our application form which is available from club committee members or by download from the final section of our website accompanied by the $30.00 per person (Joining fee which includes the cost of name badges for each applicant) 

Each one of couples wishing to join is required to submit an individual application and joining fee.

Annual subscriptions (in addition to the 1 off joining fee) are excellent value at $25 per member.

Pro-rata membership fees apply.

A detailed membership information package containing the membership application form and Probus information is available from Lyn Weston, Membership Officer when you attend one of your familiarisation visits.

Members are encouraged to notify a member of the Management Committee regarding leave of absence if they will be absent for an extended period.

*Please refer to section 14 of this website for the membership enquiries contact details so you can call to organise attendance at future meetings at which you can experience the unique and welcoming Probus environment.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Club.