AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Probus clubs are part of a national affiliation supported by the Probus Association Queensland (PAQ) and Probus South Pacific Ltd (PSPL), located in Sydney.

Being an Incorporated body we operate under our club Constitution and By Laws which appear below.





The Probus Cub of Bribie Island Inc President’s Report 2023 – 2024

As we come to the end of our 39th year since incorporation, I am happy to report that it has been another very successful one.

Financially, we ended the 2023 calendar year with a bank balance of $2,921.24 which was only approximately $300 less than the bank balance at the end of calendar year 2022. All but one of the members on the books at membership renewal time continued their membership and there are many Probus clubs that can’t say the same. I’m confident that we will have the same result in 2024.

Fourteen new members joined us last year and we now have eight active members with more than 20 years’ membership; two more will join that list in 2024.

Our functions were all well attended and were successful but that was only possible because of volunteers. The management committee all volunteered time and effort, some for more than just a couple of years. Helpers at the morning teas and barbecues for cooking, set up, clean up, serving and everything else needed, included Frank Black, Mike Lutze, Mike Burgess, Ron Lett, Ursula Maffey, Mike Cavenor, Sue Cavenor, Lyn Weston, Michele Weston, Christine Saunders, Stella Lamb, Ian Yoxall, Tess Yoxall. Ian Kelly has run the raffles for many years, and Cec Sotiriades is always available. Members attended Anzac Day and Remembrance Day services, and were invited to attend special days at the local schools. We had a successful booth at the Senior’s Expo; a trip on The Ghan was enjoyed by a dozen of us; we joined with 10 other clubs in the Moreton Bay region to celebrate Probus Day in October, and had our own picnic for the same. It’s always gratifying to see how readily you step forward to help.

I would not have been able to do my job as President without the help of Gabi Bain as Secretary, Dave Simpson as Treasurer, Lyn Weston as Membership Officer, Frank Hughes as both Catering and Welfare Officer, Les Edis who filled both Technical and Publicity positions, Dave Beatson our representative to PAQ, Ian Yoxall who worked tirelessly to provide speakers, and, with the help of Mike Cavenor who coaxed members to give us their profiles, Bob Brown who did a stellar job with the Bulletin, Tess Yoxall who entered everything onto the website and who put the annual report together, Mary Brown who acted as assistant to Frank for Welfare and to all of you who helped in some form but whose named I may have omitted here. A number of current committee members will not be continuing in their present or other positions, and they will be missed.

Thank you all for your membership, your friendship and your commitment to Probus. I am looking forward to the new management committee and their new ideas. I know that you are as well.

Pam Bearce, President – 2023 - 2024



The Club's Accounts and financial affairs are independently Audited by Mr John Wagner with Audit Reports received by the Club in accordance with the Club's Constitution.