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Ashburton Combined Probus Club





Mark Daynes
President ACPC  



Hello and a warm welcome to you, our club members and guests who enjoy a fun and exciting active retirement friendship group.

The ACPC ( Ashburton Combined Probus Club) recently celebrated its first full year and what a first year it was with so many exciting activities, from theatre and cinema trips, dining and educational experiences, to packed outings and visits and the many interesting talks, games and wonderful refreshments provided at our monthly meetings. 
All our events are aimed at entertaining and informing as well as providing amply opportunity to make new friends while chatting over coffee or lunch.

The Club has a great energy and is very relaxed, we meet at the Ashburton Bowls Club, which is a fantastic venue on the first Thursday of each month. Being based in the Ashburton community we have a lot of local club members but welcome members from a wide surrounding area including Camberwell, Glen Waverley, Glen Iris, Chadstone and even Port Melbourne.
Unlike some more established clubs we are a youthful group for all genders,bringing together retired, semi-retired and people thinking of retiring for fun, friendship and fellowship. Many of us have built a big new friendship base over the past year and have enjoyed the many social occasions the club has provided.
If you are looking to add something different to your routine we would love you to join us. General Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month 10:30am to 12.30pm at the Ashburton Bowls Club, at 3 Samarinda Avenue, Ashburton, Vic 3147.