AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

                 Ashburton Combined Probus Club

Monthly Lunch club

Every Third Thursday, at various venues TBA


Trivia Night

Wednesday March 12 7.30pm

The Chase Hotel, Level 3 Forest Hill Shopping Centrre

Dinner and drinks availabe for purchase arrive 6.30pm if you want to have dinner before triivia

Trivia is free


Movie Group

Burwood Brickworks, Daytime Tues March 19 Details TBC

Please contact Pauline Zahra on 0411313209 if you want to join.


Gardening Group

Lightfall April 13 at Cranbourne Botanic Gardens

Please contact Kevin Goodrem on 0419 419 622 if you want to join.


Theatre Group - Malvern Theatre