Ashburton Combined Probus Club
Trivia Night
Wednesday December 11, 7.30 pm start
The Chase Hotel, Level 3 Forest Hill Shopping Centrre
Dinner and drinks availabe for purchase arrive 6.30 if you want to have dinner before triivia
Trivia is free
Movie Group
Currently suspended till February
The group will go to the movies on the third Thursday of the month. This will be generally late morning seesion at various local cinemas with the opportunity of meeting for coffee before or after the film.
Please contact Pauline Zahra on 0411313209 if you want to join.
Gardening Group
Meetings at various venues.
Please contact Kevin Goodrem on 0419 419 622 if you want to join.
Theatre Group - Malvern Theatre
No more sessions this year
Please contact Irena Miljkovic on 0402 933 052.