Ashburton Combined Probus Club
General meeting dates
Feb 6 Talk: Retired Leading Senior Constable Carolyn Pethick
March 6 AGM and Talk: Ben Moore - an apiarist, environmentalist, and the owner of Ben’s Bees.
April 3 Talk: "Spanner in the works Australias first all girl garage"
May 1 Talk: Red Cross
June 5 Talk: "The Importance of excerise"
July 3 Talk: The growth, the Fun, the Hassles of TV
Aug 7 Talk: Mercy Ships
Sept 4 Activity: Armchair interviews
Oct 2 Activity: Trivia Quiz
Nov 6 Activity: Spring Racing Celebration
Dec 4 TBC
February 1 Talk: “Aging Gracefully, a guide for wellness.”
March 7 Talk: “A journey into Craniofacial Surgery.”
April 4 A session with The Bowls club.
May 2 Talk: "Introduction to Hybrid and Electric vehicles"
June 6 Trivia Quiz
July 4 Talk: "Where were you when John Lennon Died"
August 1 Asylum Seeker Resource centre
Sept 5 Armchair Interviews
Oct 3 Talk: "Dare to retire"
Nov 7 Club Birthday Celebration
Dec 5 Talk: "The dramas of early television”