AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

                     Ashburton Combined Probus Club

General meeting dates


1. October 2023     - Thursday 5th

2. November 2023 - Thursday 2nd

3. December 2023 - Thursday 7th       Talk: “Plan for your future.” 

4. January 2024    -  OFF

5. February 2024   - Thursday 1st       Talk: “Aging Gracefully, a guide for wellness.”

6. March 2024        - Thursday 7th      Talk: “A journey into Craniofacial Surgery.”

7. April 2024          - Thursday 4th       A session with The Bowls club. 

8. May 2024           - Thursday 2nd     Talk: "Introduction to Hybrid and Electric vehicles"

9. June 2024          - Thursday 6th      Trivia Quiz

10. July 2024         - Thursday 4th      Talk: "Where were you when John Lennon Died"

11. August 2024    - Thursday 1st       Asylum Seeker Resource centre

12. Sept 2024       - Thursday 5th        Armchair Interviews

13. Oct 2024         - Thursday 3rd       Talk: "Dare to retire"