* Special Interest Groups *
Wine Special Interest Group Report.
June 2018 What a GREAT Wine Night on the 20th.
Held at Andrew's home, the night's atmosphere was as warm inside as it was cold outside and with over 24 in attendance it promised to be another convivial evening.
Again the wines were well chosen and with Vin absent for preparation on the day, due to family reasons, he managed to attend on the evening.
Peter Corpe handled the lot with aplomb...Well done Pete. Ross gave assistance where and when needed and of course the nibbles provided by Marsha, Klaus, Ross and Lorraine complimented the wines just so.
The hardest part of the evening was.....leaving.
W S I G Report:::
Another great Wine Special Interest Group night Wed.21st March '18
It was held at the home of Peter and Lorraine Corpe. Vin and Marg chose wines from the Little River Winery in Taggerty. It is owned and operated by Phil & Christine Challen.
There were 21 of us enjoying the wines and the nibblles prepared Lorraine and Margaret to complement the wines.
Thank you to Vinnie and Pete.
THE FIRST OF THE THEATRE SIG's is underway with an afternoon in Melbourne on 24th January 2018 with a visit to the State Theatre at the Victorian Arts Centre to see David Campbell staring in the musical "Dream Lover".
Unfortunately the performance we're all attending has no more available seating.
DAVID CAMPBELL is truly a professional entertainer. The entire show was superb and enjoyed by all. He made Bobby Darin come to life. The audience gave a standing ovation that went to three curtain calls.
Our first Special Interest Group was brought about by two enthusiastic Wine boffins.
- Peter Corpe and Vin Smith are the responsible members for getting this fantastic group underway.
- Their goal is to meet, socialize, taste, compare, appreciate, learn and to enjoy the wonders of wine in all categories.
- The gathering of like-minded wine appreciators meet roughly every two or three months.
Wednesday18th October 2017 the Wine SIG had their fourth meeting.
This one was with a difference; being held at Vin and Marg Smith's home in Cambridge Drive. The evening was a huge success as the theme was all French. A sparkling from the Limoux region was our welcoming beverage. Three white styles and three red wines followed with a magnificient accompanying range of tasting portions of coq-au-vin, boeuf bourguinon and creme cuit as desert to complete the special offerings food.
Further details to follow when Vin and Peter hand the info over.