The club's Outings Officer organises visits to places of interest every month or so. These visits can be comfortably completed within a day with transport to and from the event being by bus or car pooling.
It is more fun to visit places in a group because a group can usually justify having a dedicated guide.
Indeed, some visits are only available to a group. Members of the club have a range of interests and so a diverse range of visits are organised to cater for them.
Wives and friends are invited to join members on these outings.
Men's Probus enjoys the services of the Mansfield Bendigo Bank. Outings and other payments can be made to our account at the Bendigo Bank using:
BSB 633-108 account # 134914050.
PLEASE don't forget to say what the payment is for.
Our August outing is to the
"Winton Wetlands"
Bob Byrne will be the organiser for this day.
Details at the meeting on 8/8/18.
Wednesday 27th June 2018 Outing to
The Odd Jug @ Ruffy
Bucks Country Bakehouse @ Yarck for Lunch
It was a great day and Pam at Ruffy provided us with a most delightful Dev Tea.
Bucks in Yarck have got the best pies and pasties this side of the black stump.
A good day for foodies too.
Left to right: Lorraine & Peter Corpe,Don Cunningham, Don Uren,
Silvia Siperki (slighty hidden), Jan Cunningham, Jim Freemantle,
Zandra Duncan, Nick Siperki, Kaye & Dick Wood, Erna & Klaus Brill.
Our outing to Tallis Wines Wednesday 30th May 2018 (map below takes us from the Benalla Golf Club)
Travel time about half an hour from there.
>>>> ANZAC DAY..........
WEDNESDAY 25th APRIL 2018.........
... Don't forget ........
After the 6am Dawn Service at the Gates opposite the RSL, A Gunfire Breakfast is on at the Delatite Hotel from 6.30am. Price for Probians is $15pp Buffet style breakfast.
Reported to be ... A HUGE SUCCESS !!!!!!
We will no doubt have a number of photos to come (website bloke is away at present)
Date: Wednesday 31st January 2018
Venue: Mansfield Bowls Club 35 -37 Ailsa St.
Type of event/activity: "Barefoot Bowls"
Coordinator: Howard James, assisted by Ross Martin
Time: From approx (to be confirmed).
Nibbles on arrival for approx 30minutes.
Drinks at very reasonable bar prices throughout.
Bowls in Barefeet OR Flat soled shoes. (Weather dependent)
Bowls and instructors supplied (Duration: 30 to 60 minutes)
Dinner....Choice of 2 roasts with roasted fresh veggies + breads
Choice of 2 desserts.
You're fully catered for and should you have any dietary requirement please say so BEFORE the event.
Total cost for this wonderful twilight event and dinner $25pp payable in advance by Wednesday, 17th. January, 2018
as we have to advise the caterers at least one week prior, no later than Wednesday, 24th. January 2018.
Dinner should be concluded by around 8pm.
Christmas Luncheon at Chrismont Winery and Restaurant, Cheshunt.
Wednesday 13th December 2017
The Christmas Luncheon was a huge success with over 70 in attendance. The food, service, wine and surrounds were absolutely fabulous. The Christmas hamper was won by Marta Mueck from Ladies' Probus. She was completely bowled over by her win and said her family, coming from England for Christmas, will have a lot of ham eating to do! Our thanks to donors of goodies but in particular Marks IGA, Greenway Lane, Hotel Delatite, Curry Garden Indian Restaurant, The Produce Store as well as all the men who gave so generously of the goods and time to put together such a handsome hamper. Val Kirley recited some humorous poems she had written of some well known local identities.
The Benalla Buslines arrived at our pick-up point for the 11am departure as planned and we all safely arrived at Chrismont Winery & Restaurant at noon. Seated at tables of six made moving around the dining area and up to the wine tasting "cellar door" easy and pleasant.
Views over the vineyard at Chrismont are outstanding and with such a sunny day made the event even more enjoyable. Leaving about an hour later than scheduled was indicative of the great time that was had by all.

Marta's hamper 1st prize.
OTHER WINNERS : Irene O'Meara 2nd prize, Sue Parsons 3rd prize and Sandi Howard 4th prize.
November 7th Outing 2017.
Mansfield Catanach Cup Day.
(Tuesday 7th November 2017 also happened to be Melbourne Cup Race day in Melbourne).
A great day was had by both Men's and Ladies' Probus Clubs at the races under a beautiful blue sky in our own marquee.
Colin Duncan and Vin Smith got the marquee ready while Dawn Breadon and Lyn Uren organised the Sweep.
There was a lot of fun and laughter however the real winner was the bookie who was set up right in front of our marquee. Luckily we had our sun umbrella and it was put to very good use.
Mansfield Races
From the left: Dawn Breadon(seated), Sue Parsons, Lynette Uren, Bill Parsons (Men's Vice President) & Zandra Duncan (Ladies President)
Seated are the two Dons..Cunningham(white hat) and Uren. In the marquee, members enjoy a glass of bubbles and a bite to eat.
From the left:> Don Uren, Don Cunningham and Vin Smith.
September 27th outing 2017
*Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital Dr Jim Vasey, Libby Vasey and Dr Jack Egan hosted an excellent tour and thorough explanation of the facilities of this amazing hospital.*
Date: September 27th 2017 with lunch later held at the Shepparton RSL
Member George D'Arcy listening intently to Dr Jack Egan explain the working of the X-Ray room.
Members touring the G.V. Equine Hospital stables
Mare with her foal which has undergone surgery on its leg
Christmas in July 2017. Held at "The Kitchen Door, Barjarg"
ENJOYING A CHRISTMAS IN JULY AT BARJARG'S "KITCHEN DOOR RESTAURANT" (2017)Seated from the left are: Lyn Uren, John Herbert(obscured), Ann Herbert, Ross Martin, Graham McCrae, Howard James, Vin Smith, Margaret Smith, Don Cunningham, Jan Cunningham and Don Uren. .
Christmas in July 2017. Held at "The Kitchen Door, Barjarg"Around the table from the left are: Bill Parsons, Bob Byrne, Judy Byrne, Ian Archibald, Barbara Archibald, Shirley White, Bill White, Jack Pollard, Freda Pollard, Colin Duncan, Jim Freemantle and Tony Tehan. |