- Mansfield's Men meet on the second
Wednesday of each month.
at the Delatite Hotel at 10am
(Corner of Highett and High Streets, Mansfield.)
The meetings generally last 2hours with a coffee/tea break about 10.30am: Our guest speaker at 11am. has the floor for up to an hour.
Members often stay after the meeting for lunch in the diningroom and to continue socialising.(& give their wives/partners a break).
Often wives/partners are invited to join us after the 'formal' part of our meeting to listen to our guest speakers should the topic be of interest.
Generally on the LAST Wednesday of each month , an Outing or Activity is planned. ALL members are encouraged to attend.
Many and varied outings are undertaken such as visits to regional areas, Melbourne tourist attractions, luncheons, picnics, and a range of places members may suggest.
ON 8 AUGUST 2018 AT 10AM
WELCOME: The President welcomed members.
ATTENDANCE: 13 members. No guests.
Joan Tehan and Sue Parsons joined the members present at 11am to hear our speakers.
APOLOGIES: Don Cunningham
Sir Andrew Grimwade
Ross Martin
Colin Duncan
George d’Arcy
Tony Yeates
Rob Blackmore together with those granted leave at previous meeting
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of meeting held on 11 July 2018 were accepted with one amendment being the inclusion of a minute recording the induction of Charles Gilbert as a member.
No matters to report.
No correspondence received.
The Hon Treasurer reported that money at bank stood at $1,972 after paying out $230 for wine at Christmas in July luncheon.
There were no outstanding bills.
WELFARE: In the absence of the Welfare Officer, members generally commented that all members to their knowledge were fit and well.
ACTIVITIES: In the absence of the Activities Officer, Bob Byrne outlined plans for visit to Winton Wetlands on 29 August.
Car pooling to apply; gather at 10.15 at RSL aiming to arrive at Winton Wetlands at 11.30am. Light luncheon followed by tour (in convoy).
Cost of day, including light lunch, $18 to be transferred to our bank account asap.
In September it was suggested that we visit Bonnie Doon, lunch overlooking Eildon Weir. Bonnie Doon aim to walk across the pedestrian bridge for those who were interested.
October – Seymour Railway Heritage Museum.
November – our meeting falls on 11 November, the 100th Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice and it was suggested that Bruce Bingham be invited to address the meeting on the significant battles of the Western Front.
SPEAKERS: Bill Parsons confirmed that John Saggers would speak in September on the Mansfield Community Support Register followed by Kirsti Lee from Up2Us Landcare.
David Hunt, former Head of Cardiology at Royal Melbourne Hospital confirmed to speak in October.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the formal meeting at 10.40am and members adjourned for coffee followed by a most interesting address by Graham and Joy Budd on their experiences in northern India.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Don Uren
ON 11 JULY 2018
WELCOME The Vice President Colin Duncan assumed the chair in the absence of the President and welcomed members to the meeting.
ATTENDANCE 24 members
Sir Andrew Grimwade
Bruce Bingham
John Herbert
Russell Breadon
George d’Arcy
Don Uren
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of meeting held on 13 June 2018 were accepted.
CORRESPONDENCE IN: Certificate of Currency for Liability Policy covering members.
" " OUT: Nil
FINANCE: The Hon Treasurer reported that the money at bank totalled $2,217 with an outstanding account of $112 for Old Jug outing.
The financial report was accepted.
WELFARE: Don Cunningham reported all members fit and well.
INDUCTION: Charles Gilbert was inducted into the Club. Charles was introduced by Neil Moehr.
ACTIVITIES: Colin Duncan reported that the Old Jug outing was enjoyed by members attending as was lunch at the Bakery at Yarck.
No specific outing in July as 25th July is our Christmas in July luncheon with partners at Delatite Hotel.
Cost $25 to club account as soon as possible and attendance to be indicated on sheet which Colin D passed around.
Alternative drop Roast Pork or Roast Beef with traditional Christmas Pudding as dessert.
Club would be providing sparkling wine on arrival with wine at each table to maximum cost of $250.
Next outing is the excursion to Winter Wetlands on 29 August which Bob Byrne kindly offered to organise in the absence of Colin D and also Nick Siperki.
In January (30th) an outing to Melbourne was planned to see Evita (Matinee). More details to follow.
SPEAKERS: August meeting – Graham and Joy Budd confirmed.
September – John Saggers brief address in Mansfield Community Support Register, followed by Kirsti Lee from Up2U’s Landcare organisation.
October – David Hunt former Head of Cardiology at Royal Melbourne Hospital.
GENERAL BUSINESS: Peter Corpe advised the recent wine tasting evening was a great success and the next event (venue and date in September) would be advised in due course.
Leave of absence granted to Colin Duncan (August and September), Klaus Brill (August and September) and Graham McCrae (August).
There being no further business the Acting Chairman closed the formal meeting at 10.45am and members adjourned for coffee after which member profiles were given by Tom Ingpen and Bruce McGorlick both of which were interesting and informative.
13th June 2018
WELCOME: President Don Uren declared the meeting open at 10.03am and welcomed members.
ATTENDANCE: 23 members
APOLOGIES: Vin Smith, Colin Duncan, Bob Byrne, Dick Wood.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of meeting held on 9 May 2018 were accepted subject to amendment – recording Induction of David Yencken.
CORRESPONDENCE IN: Information of Seniors Day at Wangaratta Races in September (handed over to Nick Siperki deputising for Colin Duncan).
OUT: Nil
FINANCE: In the absence of the Hon Treasurer, the President reported that bank balance stood at $1,728 with bills for Tallis and IGA to be paid (not significant amounts).
WELFARE: Don Cunningham reported all members in good health other than Bruce Campbell.
ACTIVITIES: Nick Siperki reported that day at Tallis Winery was a great success with 27 members and partners attending. On 27 June a trip to the Old Jug at Ruffy is planned followed by lunch at the Yarck Bakery. Cost $10 per attendance to be transferred to Club bank account asap which covers entry and morning tea. Lunch at members own expense on the day. Car pooling will operate from Masonic Hall (time to be advised). Address of Old Jug is 459 Bunting Hill Road, Ruffy.
President reported that the morning tea held recently was a great success.
SPEAKERS: Bill Parsons advised that we would have member profiles in July and Graham and Joy Budd would speak at August meeting on their work in India. Phil Officer’s address at May meeting was well received.
GENERAL BUSINESS: Peter Corpe reminded members that Wine Group is to meet at the home of Marsha and Andrew Grimwade on Wednesday 20 June at 6.30pm. All members and partners are most welcome. Cost $10 on the night.
The resignation of Bruce Campbell for reasons of ill health was noted with regret.
Leave of absence was granted to: David Yencken for July and August & Nick Siperki for July, August and September
The idea of a raffle of a bottle of wine or similar comestible for $1 or $2 a ticket at monthly meetings was suggested by Michael Taylor.
The idea was generally well received by members and final proposal would be considered by the Committee and put to members at the next meeting.
It was agreed that a bottle of Penfolds “Max Schubert” wine, provided by Michael would be raffled at our Christmas in July lunch.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Don Uren (President)
9th MAY 2018
WELCOMEThe President Don Uren declared the meeting open at 10.04am and welcomed members and guest Geoff Doyle (introduced by Bill Parsons)
ATTENDANCE: 26 members and one guest present
APOLOGIES: Andrew Grimwade
Minutes of previous meeting held on 12 April were accepted.
FINANCE: The Treasurer’s Report was accepted. Balance at bank $1,727 after payment of Probus South Pacific dues of $550.
The Secretary reminded members that subscriptions of those members who have not paid need to be paid promptly.
WELFARE: Don Cunningham reported all positive including Members indisposed recently returning to good health.
ACTIVITIES: Colin Duncan gave details of Tallis Winery near Dookie arrangements being Club’s May end of month activity.
Assemble at Masonic Hall at 9.30am for departure at 9.45am (car-pooling applies).
Cost of lunch $14 and 25% discount on any purchases of wine has been offered.
Cost of $14 per head to be paid into Club bank account promptly.
June outing – proposed visit to Old Jug at Ruffy (further details at next meeting).
GENERAL BUSINESSPeter Corpe volunteered to man the door in Chris Hanmer’s absence on leave.
Peter also spoke on behalf of Wine Group advising next tasting would be 22 June at 6.30pm – venue to be advised. Peter emphasised everyone was most welcome to join the Group’s activities.
Don Uren invited members and wives/partners to morning tea at 97 Stoneleigh Road commencing at 10.30am on Thursday 17 May.
Peter Reynolds was granted three months leave of absence. Chris Hanmer and Neil Moehr lodged apologies for June meeting.
Bill Parsons advised that our guest speaker at the June meeting would be Heine Basedow with Member profiles in July.
There being no further business, the President closed the formal meeting at 10.35am and members adjourned for coffee after which Members reassembled to hear an address by Phil Officer, Chair Mansfield Hospital Board.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Don Uren
The AGM held 14th March 2018 Minutes are hereunder:
Minutes of Probus Club of Mansfield
28th Annual General Meeting.
Held at the Delatite Hotel 14 March 2018
Welcome – President, Ken Fisher, declared the meeting open at 11.00
Present – 21 members present
Apologies – Graham Padbury, Col Duncan, Bob Naylor, Bruce Bingham, Bruce Campbell, Andrew Grimwade, Tony Tehan, Neil Moehr, Peter Reynolds, Dick Wood, Peter Corpe
Vale – Frank Haensel. President moved to have a minutes silence.
Visitors – Val Davies representing Ladies Probus and Peter Hunt representing Rotary
Minutes of previous meeting - The minutes of the March 2017 AGM were accepted and there were no matters arising. Moved Don Uren and seconded Jim Fremantle.
Correspondence In - Nil
Correspondence Out - Nil
Presidents Report
The outgoing President tabled his annual report. Acceptance of the report moved by Ross Martin and Seconded by Rob Blackmore.
Treasurers Report
The Treasurer tabled his annual report. Motion to accept moved by Michael Taylor and seconded by Nick Siperki.
Installation of President – Don Uren was installed with the service performed by Rob Blackmore (Ex President).
New President comments - Don thanked Ken Fisher for his contribution
Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
· Rob Blackmore appointed to be Returning Officer by incoming President Don Uren.
· Rob declared all positions vacant. As one nomination only had been received for each position (excluding Secretary) which were subject to election, the Returning Officer declared them elected.
· The Secretarial role remained vacant and the Committee will proceed to fill.
Bank Signatory changes
Treasurer requested and meeting agreed to following Bank Signatory changes:
Delete: Vincent Smith, Ken Fisher and Bill Parsons
Add: Don Uren, Jim Fremantle, Colin Duncan
General Business
· Tom Ingpen was inducted by Don Uren as a member of the Club.
· Treasurer advised members that fees remain unchanged for this year.
· Vin Smith requested Leave of Absense for April and May.
· Vin Smith asked for the Committee to consider a proposal that the Club adopt the awarding of Service Pins for 10 yr, 20 yr and Life Member service to the club.
· Ross Martin reminded members of the March Activity being a visit to the Benalla Art Gallery on the 28th and he would book lunch at the Kim Wah. The April Activity coincides with ANZAC Day and Tom Ingpen to advise Ross re options for attendance.
Meeting closed 11.40
Monthly Meeting MINUTES
Minutes of Probus Club of Mansfield Inc monthly General Meeting.
Held at the Delatite Hotel 14 February 2018
Welcome – President, Ken Fisher, declared the meeting open at 10.03
Present – 25 members present
Apologies – Graham Padbury, Col Duncan, Dick Woods, Bob Naylor, Bruce Bingham, George D’Arcy, Bill Parsons
Visitors – Charlie Gilbert.
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the January meeting were accepted and there were no matters arising. Moved Andrew Grimwade and seconded Peter Corpe.
Correspondence In
- Bank Statement – passed to Bob Byrne.
- Invitation from Shire to join an “End of Life” project. If interested contact VS for details.
- Thank you note from Bev McArthur (widow of Graeme)
Correspondence Out - Nil
- Tom Ingpens nomination for membership was accepted on show of hands. Tom to be inducted at March AGM.
- Vin Smith requested Leave of Absense for April Activity and May Meeting.
Treasurer advised January bank balance was $1,478.69. Motion to Accept Treasurers report moved by Howard James and seconded by Don Cunningham.
Don Cunningham advised that Frank Haensel was in Wangaratta Hosp and Bob Naylor was recovering at home.
- January Barefoot Bowling was a great success. Well done Howard (and Tom)
- February is the Presidents picnic on Wednesday the 28th at Yea Wet Lands. Meet at Lodge at 9.15 for 9.30 start. Tour starts at 10.30 with morning tea. Cost of morning tea + tour is $12.50. Please pay by 21/2. Tour concludes around noon and lunch at own cost is available at local hotel. Ross Martin coordinating.
- March is a visit to the Benalla Art Gallery followed by lunch at Kim Wah. Ross to coordinate.
- April Activity planned to coincide with ANZAC Day. Ross Martin to advise on options ie Dawn Service + Breakfast etc.
General Business
- VS advised members that March is the AGM and nominations for all Management Committee ND Club Officer positions have been received. In accordance with Sect 12(d) of our Constitution, nominations have now closed.
- VS advised nominations were received from Don Uren (President), Col Duncan (Vice President + Activities), Bob Byrne (Treasurer), Vin Smith (Secretary), Bill Parsons (Guest Speakers), Chris Hanmer (Membership). Don Cunningham (Welfare).
- Jim Fremantle expressed interest in taking on an Assistant role. VS to refer to Committee.
- Ross Martin advised he had negotiated a “meal deal” with Delatite for a $26 x 2 course lunch following the AGM. Show of hands indicated quite a few members would take it up. Ross to advise on how to order / pay.
- VS to forward to members the Minutes of the 2017 AGM.
- VS to forward to members the Agenda for the 2018 AGM.
Guest Speaker
- Today’s speaker was Chris Tudor who has retired to Mansfield after 33 years as an educator in Alice Springs. A fascinating walk through the trials and tribulations of how to develop a school + whole new culture. Singing the school song was a treat. Most interesting and well received by members.
- No Guest Speaker in March as it’s the AGM.
- Guest Speaker for April will be Laurie Blampied from Mt Buller Management.
- Guest Speaker for May will be Hospital CEO Phil Officer.
Meeting closed 12.10