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The Probus Club of Fremantle enjoy a summer picnic

The Probus Club of Fremantle enjoy a summer picnic.

A day of boules

Members of the Probus Club of Fremantle braved a cool and windy day to enjoy a summer picnic and compete in a game of boules. 

A very Booragoon Christmas

Each year, the December meeting of the Men's Club of Booragoon lasts about 30 seconds, the rest of the time being devoted to fun and fellowship together with our spouses etc, at our annual Christmas Lunch.


A group of members from Probus Club of Fremantle attended a tour of the parliament house.

WOW Wilderness Eco Cruise

The Albany Ladies and Port of Albany Ladies Probus Clubs combined for a day out on the waters of the Nornalup Inlet.

Mandurah River Trip

On a beautiful day 25 members and partners from The Probus Club of Fremantle found their way to Mandurah by rail or private cars before boarding the boat. 

Booragoon members enjoy a striking spring day

On an outstanding spring day in October, members of the Booragoon Probus Club Inc (M) enjoyed an outing to the beautiful Chittering Valley. 


Baldivis Probus Club celebrates 1st Birthday

A Birthday – Open Day was held on Wednesday 12thOctober to celebrate the clubs 1st Birthday.  

Mandurah Peel Probus Club function

Mandurah Peel Probus Club function.

Probus Mandurah Peel enjoys Spring barbecue

The weather turned out a treat for the Probus Mandurah Peel group attending a Spring outing recently.

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