30 Jan 2013
Recently, the Devonport Ladies Probus Club presented life membership to Val Laycock.
18 Dec 2012
The southern Tasmanian clubs came together for friendship, fellowship and fun with a luncheon.
11 Dec 2012
The Kingston Ladies Probus Club celebrates the 100th of a very special member.
27 Nov 2012
Competitive spirit came to the fore at the Hobart Probus Club as members took part in a rissole cook-off.
14 Nov 2012
Recently, members of the Huon Valley Combined Probus Club went on an inspiring walk of the Tahune Forest, just south of Hobart.
29 Oct 2012
The Glenorchy Probus Club Combined Inc celebrated its 25th anniversary at a special luncheon held at the Glenorchy Masonic Centre.
01 Jan 1970
We'll soon be holding an interest meeting for the Newnham Probus Club and are inviting all interested retirees to come along and learn all about it.