Warrandyte Probus. Newsletter. January/February 2025
Editor: Liz Wood
“Participate in life instead of just watching it pass you by.” - Lindsey Wonderson.
Message from the President:
Firstly, welcome to are new members and welcome back everyone to 2025. We are starting out strong with the tour of the courts, being followed by bare foot bowls. I know Lyn and Liz have been coming up with a lot of ideas and I think the year ahead looks like a lot of fun. The annual general meeting is coming up please give some consideration to joining the committee it would be great to have a few more people to fill in when people are travelling etc. Also, any ideas of outings or any connections you may have for a speaker please reach out.
Probus is all about friendship and staying connected and I think we've made a great start to the year.
Current membership is 46. We also have some prospective members.
Treasurers Report:
I am pleased to report that the club has managed to maintain a positive bank account balance with the Bendigo Bank since the opening of the club account on 4th October 2024.
We were fortunate to have received a gift of $1000 from the Rotary Club of Warrandyte on October 14th and a refund of income of $2,475 held on trust for us by Probus South Pacific Limited comprising members joining fees and members Annual membership fees. These receipts enabled us to open our account with the Bendigo bank and to continue to maintain a balance within the $3000 - $4000 range.
Accessing Grants:
The bank balance was bolstered by the cash grant of $1000 from our Rotary Club and as our membership numbers level out we won’t have the benefit of the once only Member’s Joining Fees of $30 per new member. We also have a major annual liability to pay a Capitation Fee to Probus South Pacific Limited (PSPL) prior to 31st March.
We will also be reliant on members paying their annual membership fee well before the 31st of March.
We are fortunate in that we have lodged an application for a grant from the Lions Club of Warrandyte with a view to funding a projector and related equipment to assist guest speakers and the committee in presenting their input to the monthly general meetings.
Whilst our shopping list amounted to an estimated cost of $7,084, we were fortunate to receive advice that the grant was partially approved amounting to $1,862 to assist with the funding of the monthly hall rental of $60, first year speaker fees, usually $50 and the purchase of a video projector.
Fortunately, there are other avenues to pursue such as Manningham Council and the Bendigo bank.
Making payments to our Bendigo Bank Account
Finally, just a request to ensure when you are making EFT payments into our Bendigo Bank Account, please carefully check that you have correctly recorded our BSB number 633 000 , our Account Number 221 819 238, your first name and surname as payer, and enter what the payment is for under “Description”, retain a hard copy for your records and forward a copy of the receipt by email to the Treasurer, Brian Spurrell at bspurrell@ozemail,com.au
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance to you.
Monthly meetings:
4th Wednesday of the month. 10.00 start time.
A gold coin donation to help offset some of our costs is appreciated and to participate in the raffle.
Morning tea is provided.
We have had some very interesting speakers and hope to have many more.
Our AGM will be the March meeting.
There will be no meeting in April.
Dates to put in your diary:
26th February, 26th March AGM, 28th May, 25th June, 23rd July, 27th August, 24th September, 22rd October, 26th November.
We went to lunch after the January meeting to Warrandyte Bridge Café and hope to continue this as a regular activity.
Walking group: This group currently meets at Stiggant Reserve carpark at 9.00am on Thursday and Saturday. Come join us.
If you need more information contact Liz Wood. 0425 763 996 or via the Probus email. [email protected]
Craft: The craft group is meeting every second Thursday in the room between the Library and the Op Shop at the Community Centre.
If you would like to join us contact Liz Wood. 0425 763 996 or via the Probus email. [email protected]
Tour of the Melbourne Courts
(Cnr Lonsdale and William St) – 19th Feb
Information for those who have registered
Meet around 9:00am at the bus stop at the cnr of Yarra Rd and Webb Street (outside the Library) to catch the 9:15 bus. Or join the bus on its way to the city.
We will travel to the County Café, 460 Lonsdale Street (just east of the County Court)
Alternatively, if you are catching the train or driving in, meet at the County Café at around 10:00am.
After visiting the County Court and Supreme Court and we will have lunch at Piccolo Me, 456 Lonsdale Street.
Then we will visit the Magistrates court.
- We need to confirm numbers, particularly for lunch so please make sure you have registered your attendance and anyone accompanying you with our committee. We can also only have a maximum of 30 people attending
- As you enter each court building you will be screened so remember to take no sharp items (even nail clippers), torches, etc.
- There are steps in the Supreme Court building. Also, when you enter a Supreme Court hearing you should nod to the Judge and not talk.
Gulf Station Historic Farm Tour
1029 Melba Highway, Yarra Glen.
Date: Thursday 6th March 2025
Time: 11.15 am for a 11.30 tour start.
Bring: Picnic lunch, umbrella if raining.
Entry fee: Adult $15, Concession $10.
Carparking is on the property.
This link takes you to more information.
RSVP by 13th February if you intend to go.
We could do carpooling if that helps those who are not too confident driving out there.
Replies to:
Lyn McDonald at [email protected] or
Jan Spurrell at [email protected]
Barefoot Bowls: 7 March 6.00 to 10.00 pm.
Donvale Bowls Club, Mullum Mullum Reserve, Cnr Springvale Road and Reynolds Road, Donvale.
Barefoot bowling, lawn bowling gone casual.
Come and enjoy a fun night.
You don’t need any experience.
All you need is bare feet, socks or flat soled shoes.
Cost is $25 and includes a BBQ dinner with drinks available from the bar.
RSVP by 13th February.
Replies to:
Lyn McDonald at [email protected] or
Jan Spurrell at [email protected]
Karralyka; 11 March 9.30
Jan and Lyn have been busy researching the morning events available at Karralyka for this year.
Jan has book 15 seats for everyday time session (see list below)
We need to pay for the session 8 weeks in advance to secure our seats.
The seats are in row B and C – near the front for good viewing.
Each morning session commences at 9.30 with morning tea which includes tea/coffee and delicious scones.
The actual show commences at 10.30am and is 1 hour 15 minutes duration.
Tickets cost $27.
The first session is on Tuesday 11 March – Frank Sinatra. Led by music theatre star Ian Stenlake, this new production will tell the story of one of the greatest crooners the world has ever known. With classics like “Fly me to the moon”, “My way”, “Mack the knife”, and many more.
If you are interested in this show, can you please pay by 15 February to guarantee your attendance.
Payment information.
Warrandyte Probus Bendigo Bank Account.
Instructions for making payments EFT (deposits) into the Warrandyte Probus Club Bendigo bank account.
- Name of Account : Warrandyte Probus Club Incorporated.
- 2. Key in BSB 633 000
- Key in Account number: 221819238
- At “from” ensure you insert your first name and surname as payer.
- At “Description” enter details of what the payment is for. (for example Karralyka March)
- Then press Pay Now
- Retain hard copy for your records
- Forward a copy of receipt by email to the Treasurer, Brian Spurrell at [email protected] or [email protected]
This a list of future Karralyka events.
Karralyka Morning events.
Morning tea starts at 9.30am
Every morning Music show ticket includes tea, coffee and delicious treats for one hour prior to show time.
All shows start at 10.30am
1 hour 15 mins (no interval)
Tickets $27.
Tuesday 11th March 2025
Frank Sinatra
Lead by music theatre star Ian Stenlake, this new production will tell the story of one of the greatest crooners the world has ever known.
With classics like “Fly me to the moon”, “My way”, “Mack the knife”, “All the way”, and many more.
Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Celebrating the Seekers – 60 years.
Keith Potger’s solo tribute to the group he helped to form back in 1962 covers the songs, the stories and the influences that shaped The Seekers in their rise to international fame. The performance is an audio-visual treat, with rare footage and still photos of the group.
Tuesday 20th May 2025
The music of Andrew Lloyd Webber
Join Claire Lyon, internationally renowned soprano and star of The Phantom of the Opera, as she brings the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber to Australian audiences.
Experience the enchanting world of Webbers’s timeless melodies.
Tuesday 24th June 2025
Kings of Swing
Step back in time to the music and style of the 1940’s. Swing was king, and Craig Schneider’s Kings of Swing revive the memories of those glorious nights spent dancing to big bands.
Kings of Swing take the audience on a journey from the 40’s to now.
Tuesday July 29th 2025.
Women of the 60’s
The high-class show will take you back in time to the fabulous music of the 60’s, featuring songs by artists such as Dusty Springfield, Dionne Warwick, Shirley Bassey, The Supremes, Petula Clarke, Lulu and many more performed by the amazingly versatile Gina Hogan.
Tuesday 5th August.
Tenori – Moment by Moment
A great song can take you back to important events in your life like a time machine. In their new show, trio of powerhouse tenors Tenori present classic songs from significant moments in their lives (and yours).
Tuesday 126th September
Those were the days.
The Ladies of the British Invasion.
The songs of Cilla Black, Petula Clark, Shirley Bassey, Sandie Shaw, Lulu & Dusty Springfield! Melissa Langton, Danielle O’Malley and Danielle Matthews bring you this handclapping, toe-tapping tribute.
Tuesday 28 October 2025
The Carpenters songbook.
Experience Australia’s own stunning vocalist Laura Davidson and her all-star band as they recreate The Carpenters’ exquisite arrangements and lush harmonies from the 60’s and 70’s.
Tuesday 11th November 2025
10.30 and 1.30pm
We remember – Spirit of the ANZACS and vets.
This production from Promac will commemorate the spirit of the ANZACS and Vietnam Vets 80 years since the end of WW2. With songs, stories, letters and images displayed on the big screen.
Tuesday 16th December 2025
Bublé Christmas Special.
Get ready for a magical Christmas celebration as Glenn Starr brings the timeless charm of Micheal Bublé to life in a heart-warming Christmas tribute. A show with joy, laughter, and unforgettable music that will leave you merry and bright.
Brenda Razzi, President – [email protected]
John Lambert, Vice President – [email protected]
Liz Wood, Secretary – [email protected]
Treasurer, Brian Spurrell – [email protected]
Lyn McDonald – [email protected]
Jan Spurrell – [email protected]
or Scan the QR code to take you to the website.
“Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure”