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Warrandyte Probus Club Inc

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday 22nd January 2025.

Minutes of Warrandyte Probus Meeting

22 January 2025

Start time 10.05.

Chaired by Brenda Razzi – President.


Perry Atkinson, Kathy Burbidge, Robert Gavin, Cheryl Hart, Helen Heller, John Lambert, Debbie Lane, Glenice Le Riche, Elaine McPherson, Brenda Razzi, Maureen Roberts, Janet Rowe, Karen Ryan, Jan Spurrell, Brian Spurrell, Pam Von Drehnen, John Welch, Liz Wood, Judy Green.


Robin Atkinson, Leora Bell, Hazel Celotti, Vicki Comrie, Francis Huntley, Anne Lynch, Geraldine Milton, Christine Taylor, Dianne Welch, Dianne Wilson, Ian Thomlinson,

New attendees;

Robyn Upfield, Helen Dornom, Susan Spadetto, Penelope Kerkhof.


  1. Lunch has been booked at Warrandyte Bridge Café (old Kokomo). Who would like to attend. A show of hands and 12 people attended.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting. Moved: Brian Spurrell. Seconded: Sue Baker
  3. We received a grant from the Lions club of $1862 to help us with startup costs.
  4. AGM will be in March and all positions are declared vacant. Fees will be due and payable. The current committee will still stand but we would appreciate some help. Liz needs assistance with minute taking when she is away. Robert Gavin offered to assist.
  5. There will be no meeting in April due to Easter, ANZAC day and school holidays plus a few of us are away.
  6. Karralyka we currently have 7 people, but we would like some more. The first session is 11 March – start time is 9.30 for morning tea then 10.30 for the session. An email was sent out as a reminder.
  7. Book trading table. We have started a book trading table if anyone has a book, they want to pass on then bring it to the meetings.
  8. Courts visit. Wednesday 19th of March. The tour is of the Supreme Court, County Court and Magistrates court. We will meet at 10.00am for a coffee at The Firm Café, 460 Collins Street.

Note: for those who want to catch the bus into the city, meet at 9.00am at the bus stop at the corner of Yarra Street and Mitchell Avenue, Warrandyte to catch the 9.15 bus.

After visiting the courts, we will have lunch at the Metropolitan, 263 William Street.

We do have significant numbers but if you wish to come, please let us know.

  1. Movie Club. Is anyone interested in a movie club. If so, we can see what is available and ask who wants to attend. Probably at Balwyn Cinemas.

10. We would also like to know if anyone is interested in coming to a wine tasting at Hops and Vine in Warrandyte. If so, please let us know.

11. Barefoot Bowls Friday 7th March, 6.00 to 10.00 pm at Donvale Bowls club, Mullum Mullum Reserve, cnr Springvale Road and Reynolds Road, Donvale. It’s a nice venue and run by volunteers. All you need is bare feet, sock or flat soled shoes.

Bowls will be $10 and if you stay for dinner then it is an extra $15 for a total of $25. Dinner is a BBQ. There is a bar available. Let us know if you are interested.

12. Groups. Liz spoke to this.

A; Liz is going to start up the walking group. We will start from Stiggant reserve and walk to the bridge and back. We might do this a few times until we get established then maybe change the venue. Start date will be Saturday 24th January.

B; Card group – there was some interest so we would like to follow up with this too. Let us know if you are interested.

C; The craft group is meeting every 2nd Thursday in the room between the Library and the Op Shop. The group is going well.

D; Last year I mentioned that I could run some card making classes. I would do it from my home as I have all the supplies and equipment there. There would be a small charge to cover the cost of materials. I could do 6 to 8 at a time. We could make – birthday, get well, sympathy, friends, and Christmas cards.

Let me know if you are interested.


13. John Welch spoke about a visit to Gulf Station. They run tours. Gulf station was settled in 1860 and all the buildings are still there. He is part of the repair and maintenance team and they focus on putting it all back to the original. He will advise us of dates. We could have a picnic there after the tour. Stay tuned for more information.

14. Morning tea.

15. Raffle drawn – Prize donated by Jan and Brian Spurrell. Winner was John Welch.

16. Speaker: Winston Marsh – The Lies your Mother Told you.

Winstons talk was very entertaining. He talked about how you should start your day as he said if you have the right attitude then life is better. 80% of people die between 12 and 6 am so he said when he wakes up, he says “Fantastic” – he made it through the night. He uses this word to engage people and feel good.

Lies your mother told you.

Cannot go swimming for 2 hours after lunch, ½ of people are ugly, if I told you a thousand times, put clean knickers on in case you have an accident, eat those Brussel Sprouts (YUK) up as there are starving children in China. My mother used to say that there were starving children in Africa, sitting on concrete will give you piles. Plus there are many more.

He then gave us a couple of rules to live life by.

  1. Learn something new,
  2. Laugh everyday,
  3. Help someone everyday,
  4. Tell the people you love that you love them
  5. Say Fantastic as often as you can.

He also talked about Alan Bonds philosophy he lived by –

He would say – great idea make it happen,

If it takes longer than 2 minutes to explain its too complicated,

Use the word “when”,

Do what others aren’t doing, what are you doing differently.

We can all learn new tricks.

His message was.

Share the rules of life,

If you have a story then tell it,

Do your own life story,

Share your life story,

Don’t die with secrets inside you, share them.

Always remember. Life is Fantastic.



Meeting closed 11.45

Minutes of the previous meeting.

 Warrandyte Probus Club Inc.

 Minutes 28 November 2024

 Attendees: Robin and Perry Atkinson, Kathy Burbidge, Hazel Celotti, Vicki Comrie, Robert Gavin, Denise and Colin Hall, Helen Heller, Margo Hone, Frank Huntley, John Lambert, Debbie Lane, Glenice Le Richie, Anne Lynch, Elaine McPerson, Lyn McDonald, Geraldine Milton, Richard Pengelly, Jan and Brian Spurrell, Christine Taylor, Pam ,Van Drehnen, Dianne Wilson, Ian Thomlinson

 Apologies: Liz Wood, Brenda Razzi, Cheryl Hart, Marilyn Lambert, Nancy O’Brien, Karen Ryan, Fatima, Schokman, Sandr Symes, Kay Turner, Donna Vittorio, Andrea and Greg Waugh, John and Dianne Welch, John and Julie Young, Micki Thomlinson

 John Lambert Chaired the meeting in Brenda Razzi’s absence.


  1. Rules of the meeting:

Discussed the rules of the meetings – Minutes of previous meetings need to be lodged and read by members. At the meeting the minutes then need to be moved and seconded. This is a Probus requirement.

Liz will attach minutes to meeting reminders.

  1. Treasurers report. Brian Spurrell.

Bank has $3020.50 in it.

Capitation fees – we need to pay a fee for each member to South Pacific Probus Club for their administration. Cost at this point is $580.50.

We bank at The Bendigo Bank.

We have 44 paid up members.

Full membership fees will not be payable until the quarter commences 1/4/2025. Fees paid by members joining in the December 2024 and March 2025 quarters pay a joining fee of $30 and a discounted rate for the annual membership fee of $60 if joined in the December quarter of $45 and $30 if paid in the March 2025 quarter.

There is to be a refund to people who paid too much in fees this year. The membership fee is $60 this year (2024) and $40 if you join in January.

  1. Bee hotel Project. John Lambert

John discussed the success of the bee hotel making. Lots of fun and laughter and some blood drawn.

  1. Liz is to put any group info online – dates and places.
  2. Lyn is organising barefoot bowling – let us know if you are interested.
  3. Morning shows at Karralyka were mentioned and an email was sent out to members.
  4. Reminder about Christmas lunch at the Templestowe Hotel.
  5. Activities will be listed in the Warrandyte Diary monthly.
  6. Raffle – we need to have a raffle each month to help cover the costs of morning tea. If you can bring a gold coin as a donation that would be great.

Liz donated this month’s prize.

Chris Taylor won the raffle.

General discussion:

John talked about a game club and demonstrated how to make your own game up.


Speaker: Val Polley – Warrandyte History.

Meeting closed at 12.00.


Liz Wood
