General Meeting
Every 4th Wednesday of the month at 10.00am
Location is the Warrandyte Mechanics Hall, Yarra Street (on the corner of Mitchell Avenue), Warrandyte.
Bring a gold coin to help us pay for the hire of the hall.
Wednesday 22nd February 10.00am Mechanics Hall, Yarra Street, Warrandyte.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
26th March AGM
April - no meeting due to all the public holidays
28 May
25 June
23 July
27 August
24 September
22 October
26 November
December Christams lunch.
Wednesday 26th February 2025.
Warrandyte Mechanics Hall, Yarra Street, Warrandyte.
Apologies: Nancy O’Brien
- Introduction President.
- Minutes of the previous meeting – Moved: Seconded:
- Lunch: Who wants to go to Warrandyte Bridge Café for lunch?
- Today we have our speaker Helen Dornom after morning tea.
March speaker will be John Hall. Only Woman at Gallipoli.
- March meeting will be our AGM.
We would like to encourage as many members as possible to come.
If you want to do a proxy vote you can.
We do need a few more people on the committee to help us out.
The current committee – Secretary, President, Treasurer and 2 activities people still standing.
- Fees need to be paid by the end of March. You will be sent information on this and we do have some information here today.
Cost is, membership fee $60
Joining fee is $30 if you are joining from today.
- Raffle prizes we would love some donations if possible.
- Newsletter went out and it was very big, but the next ones will be smaller.
- Activities – lists on the activities table.
11 March Frank Sinatra Cost $27. Put name on list on the activities table or let Jan or Lyn know.
22 nd April. Celebrating the Seekers – 60 years. Cost $27. Payable by 10th March.
Keith Potger’s solo tribute to the group he helped to form back in 1962 covers the songs, the stories and the influences that shaped The Seekers in their rise to international fame. The performance is an audio-visual treat, with rare footage and still photos of the group.
MCG tour 7 May $35 with lunch additional cost. Let us know if you are interested. List on the activities table.
FUND raiser tour. AVEO tour. If we do a tour of an AVEO location they will give us $500. They will provide morning tea and show us around and there is no obligation to sign up.
A full list of events will be published on Facebook and our website.
Morning Tea
Speaker – Helen Dornom. Nutritional value of dairy.
Meeting closes 12.00
Lunch – Warrandyte Bridge Café.