AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


Following is a list of our current interest groups. Please read your current copy of the newsletter for contact names and phone numbers. Also see the newsletter for which groups are currently NOT meeting.

Between the Covers Book Club meets first Tuesday of every month at a member's home.

Book Buzz meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 2.00 pm.

The Canasta Card Group meets every Monday, 1.15 pm at Katoomba RSL..

Patchwork and Quilting Group meets 10-12.30 on second Wednesday at the Grandview Hotel.

The Discussion Group meets 11.00 for discussion, lunch at 1.00 if desired,  at Katoomba RSL on second Monday. 

The Ramblers Bushwalking Group meets 9.00 am in Grose Street (mid section), Leura every Tuesday. See below for current program.

The Knitting Group meets 11-1 pm on first Wednesday at Katoomba RSL coffee shop.

The Quilts and Coffee Group meets 10-12 am at a member's home on last Monday of month.

The Sunday Luncheon Group meets every second month on the Sunday following our meeting at a local cafe or restaurant. Please book with contact on newsletter.

Dog Training. 1pm every Friday (weather permitting) at the back of Fairways, Fitzroy Street, Leura. 

Weekly Morning Tea is on every Thursday 10am at the Fairmont Resort Coffee Shop. No booking required.

The Amblers Walking Group meets at the same time and place as the Ramblers.

The Scrabble Group meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 11.30 at the RSL..


CLICK HERE for the current Ramblers program, January to April 2025
