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This is our new committee for 20024/25. A new committee will be elected at our AGM in March.

Note that contact details have been omitted for privacy reasons. If you need to contact a committee member, either call the Secretary (contact details on the latest newsletter) or use the Contact Us form at the end of the website and I will pass on your request.


President Sue May
Vice President Robyn Hunter
Immediate Past President Belinda Simpson
Secretary Narelle Nolan
Assistant Secretary Caroline Stanton
Treasurer Pam Williams
Assistant Treasurer Ann Norman
Membership Officer Kerry Jordan
Assistant Excursions Financial Helma Fink
Excursion Financial Ann Norman
Hospitality Merril Minett
Assistant Hospitality Dorothy Clampett
Welfare Officer Chris Horsfield
Guest Speaker Co-ordinator Marilyn Peters
Assistant Guest Speaker Co-ordinator 
Publicity Sue May
Assistant Publicity Marilyn Peters
Newsletter Editor Caroline Stanton

Photography and

Membership booklet

Charmian Corbett

Annette Thomas

Web Co-ordinator Caroline Stanton