From the President’s desk: Hello members. I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM this month. We have a single nomination for most committee positions. There are still vacancies for assistants and a tours person. Please see myself or Narelle before the meeting if you'd like to fill a role. A reminder that the annual fees will be $35.00 for this year payable by the April meeting. Meeting fees are now $5.00 commencing March. Sue May President Other Matters: Streamlining meetings. From November 2024 we will be emailing the Minutes and Financial Statements with your newsletter so they don’t need to be read out at meetings. We will still provide a copy on the front desk. Please note: We no longer have a PO Box because its very low usage didn’t justify the expense. We will be setting up a gmail email address for communicating, or you can use the Contact page on our website. Reminder: From this month our meeting fee will be $5 – so no pesky small change required! Reminder that you must attend at least five meetings a year, or tender your apologies to Merril Minett at [email protected], or 0404 043 652 – or leave a message on our website