AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Welcome to the Probus Club of Umina Peninsula Inc

on the beautiful Central Coast of NSW.

The Probus Club of Umina Peninsula is a mixed gender club.

We meet on the fourth Thursday of every month (except December) at 10.00 am in the function room at the

EVERGLADES COUNTRY CLUB, Dunban Road, Woy Woy, NSW, unless otherwise stated in the latest Bulletin.

Meetings are $8 per person/member & include (a brief business meeting), morning tea & an interesting Guest Speaker.

If you are a retiree or semi-retired & seeking companionship, intellectual stimulus, fun or fellowship through outings, walking, theatre attendances, social activities & away trips, you are invited to join us. 

The Annual Membership Fee is: $30 The joining fee is $60 including annual membership & badge etc

The membership year is from: April to March. Pro-rata membership fees apply:

April-June qtr: 100%      July-Sept qtr: 75%       Oct-Dec qtr:  50%    Jan-Mar qtr:  25%

Next meeting: see 'Meetings' or 'Calendar of Events'.

A printed Newsletter is available at meetings  or via email.

Members also have access to the Probus South Pacific Inc magazine Active Retirees which is available online.