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The Probus Club of St Heliers provides social, recreational, and educational activities for retired or semi-retired professional and business men in the eastern suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand.  Formed in 1981, it now has about 60 members.

Like the St Heliers Ladies Probus Club, our club is a member of the umbrella organisation Probus South Pacific Limited, and club members can access the benefits that it offers.

We meet at 10 am on the fourth Friday of each month at the St Heliers Bowling Club in Goldie Street, St Heliers. Visitors and prospective members are cordially welcomed to these meetings, as are the wives and partners of members.

Several special interest groups, such as the walking group, the golfing group and the investment group, provide further opportunities to interact with like-minded members.  Social functions also are organised at various times throughout the year.

A monthly newsletter keeps members up to date on recent and upcoming events, and on other items of interest.  You can access some recent newsletters on the Newsletters page of this web site.

The club’s activities and business affairs are coordinated by an elected management committee that routinely meets on the second Friday of each month.  Currently it is comprised of the following members:

Tom Watson

521 5546

President, social functions, outings

John Danvers

021 352 650

Vice President, membership promotion, social functions, outings

Rod Oakly

027 342 0681

Secretary, almoner, liaison with Treasurer, liaison with bowls club, Rotary contact, membership lists

Nicoll Jackson

575 1261


Kerryn Downey

021 736 960

Speakers, mid-year and end-of-year functions

Brian English

575 8899

Walking group, liaison with Ladies Probus, mid-year and end-of-year functions

John Haslemore

021 245 5561

Outings, social functions, membership promotion, delegate to Probus Auckland

Ross McMillan

027 486 0011

Speakers, name badges, membership certificates

Gary Preston

575 1261

Almoner, door welcome, attendance register, Dove house liaison, newsletter

Cyril Snow

027 291 9598

Newsletter, web site, membership lists, sound system

John Trigance

575 9407

House manager for meetings, coffee mornings


If difficulty with transport prevents you from attending any club meeting or event, please contact a committee member on the list above, to arrange assistance.