AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

The Probus Club of Rouse Hill Inc meets on the 4th Friday of the month.

Our meetings follow a standard format, with the club business followed by morning tea, then an interesting Guest Speaker. Many members then enjoy a lunch together after the meeting.

 If you are not going to attend the meeting, you are asked to send your apologies via email at least by 5pm the night prior to the meeting. Any apologies received after that time will not be included in the minutes.

Meeting Reminders - Please Remember to wear your name badge to all Probus meetings and functions and to turn off your mobile phone, or put it on silent, during meetings. 

If you have suggestions for activities or improvements, or wish to start up an interest group please talk to or email one of the Committee Members

Email [email protected] if you need any further information on any of the club meetings.