This page explains how to sign up for interest groups or outings and gives an overview of the interest groups available to members (and applicants where applicable)
Please email [email protected] if you would like more information on any of these groups or contact the relevant Interest Group Leader directly. Their contact details are in the Newsletter. If you wish to attend one of the activities, you must RSVP to the Interest Group Leader directly. RSVP's sent to other email addresses may not be included.
* How to Register for Interest Groups for Probus Rouse Hill
The Interest Group Leader / Outings Coordinator (Group Leader) will advertise dates for their activities for the following month in the Newsletter and on the Website via the Monthly Calendar. The advertising may or may not have a time or meeting location. The activity will also have an RSVP date shown. Members must email / phone the Group Leader before the RSVP date to register. If there are limited numbers there may be a wait list. There may be two groups for some activity if numbers are high.
The Group Leader may contact you to confirm the activity and provide additional details if necessary.
If you are no longer able to attend, please let the Group Leader know as there may be a wait list.
If you are unwell on the day please do not attend the activity and let the Group Leader know as soon as practicable.
A list of the Group Leaders and their contact details can be found in the Newsletter.
*Interest Group Overview by day of the week
*Book Chat is a mixed group led by Hilary K and meets at 9:45 for a 10:00 start on the first Monday of each month. In the warmer months we meet at the Rouse Hill Regional Park, Worcester Road, Rouse Hill. When the weather gets colder, we may meet at a local café or in a member’s home. The exact location will be provided once you RSVP.
At Book Chat we get the chance to share our passion for books with like-minded readers. This is your opportunity to come and talk to other members about your favourite books or authors. No specific books are assigned to be read, rather we each discuss 2 or 3 books we have recently read. A fun time is had by all!
*Les Soirees Music Group is a mixed group led by Peter V.which will meet every first Monday at 2.00pm. We will practice to perform songs we might remember from our younger days; songs such as Blue Moon of Kentucky, Cotton Fields, Sixteen Tons, and Bee Bop A Lula, etc., and to have occasional soirées of cocktails and canapés to have a hootenanny. We will practice in premises offered to us by group members. These include Retirement Village facilities, Church Halls, private homes and a music shop practice room. Practice venues will be recorded on the sign on sheets on display at every General Meeting. We are looking for people who would like to sing or play instruments for fun, the emphasis being on fun rather than on musical expertise.
*Coffee Chat is a mixed group led by Pam D and meets at 10:00 on the second Monday each month at the Rouse Hill shopping centre food court. We find a comfortable table and when ready, go and order food and drinks from the many outlets available. With food and drinks sorted, it is time for some animated talking and attentive listening about a wide range of topics. Fun, fellowship and friendship abounds.
*Crafty Ladies is a ladies only group led by Chris K and Denise A and meets at 10:00 on the fourth Monday of the month. Our meeting place changes so read the monthly sign on sheets. This group of ladies brings along whatever craft project they are currently working on and members are more than happy to share their ideas and crafting skills with others in the group. The ladies live up the group's name but it could also be called Chatty Ladies!! The end result is smiles and lifted spirits.
*Marvellous Men is a men only group which is led by Peter G and meets on the second Tuesday of the month. This group provides an opportunity for shoulder to shoulder outings via lunch at the pub where the male members of Rouse Hill Probus Club can enjoy each others company and talk "Secret Men's Business" over food and craft beer.
*The Movie Group meets on the third Wednesday of the month to go to a current movie at Reading Cinemas, Rouse Hill. The movie for the month is advised by email to all Club members once the schedule for the week has been released by the cinema.
*The Garden Gnomes is a mixed group, led by Pam D, and meets on the second Thursday of the month, visiting open gardens, nurseries and talking plants, flowers and gardening in general. Of course there is always a coffee stop and / or a lunch stop involved in the outing.
*Ladies Lunch is a ladies only group overseen by Denise A meeting on the third Thursday of the month. The group will attend local venues for a tasty lunch at own expense.
*Golf Group is a mixed group led by Les D and meets on the fourth Thursday of the month. This group of mixed ability golfers meets for a rousing game of golf as organised, followed by a healthy and well earned lunch and a cool drink or a coffee. They add fitness to our Probus values of friendship, fellowship and fun!
*The Walking Group is a mixed group led by Ralph S and meets on the first Friday of the month. This group walks, strolls and rambles in many beautiful greater Sydney locations and finds time for some stops for a coffee/lunch along the way. Specific details about each walk are included via monthly meetings and the newsletter and participants find that this is a great way to make new Probus friends.
*Let's Take Photos is a mixed group led by Bill F and meets on the second Friday of the month. This group provides opportunities for camera buffs to bring along their camera gear or mobile phones to take photos in a variety of settings. It is not a “how to use your camera” group but just a time to focus on points of interest for each person. Images can be shared via a closed Facebook group.
*Opal Odyssey is a mixed group led by Carmel H and now meets on the third Friday of the month. This group will make full use of our senior citizen Opal cards for a variety of interesting outings. There are many places to explore around Sydney and regional areas that can be visited by public transport and some of the possibilities could include staying overnight.
*All About Art is a mixed group led by Barbara F and meets on the second Sunday or Monday of the month. This group visits galleries large and small plus interesting street art or outdoor exhibitions.
*Wine and Cheese is a mixed group co-ordinated by Joanne R. getting together on the third Sunday of each month to enjoy another lovely afternoon amongst good friends, sharing good wine, cheese and always a good laugh. RSVP is only accepted by email to ensure appropriate management of any limit on numbers and to receive details of the month’s event.
Various Days:
(as shown on the Calendar of Events page)
*One Off Groups. Members can contact a Committee member to arrange a one off outing if they wish to do so.
This group will have a focus on dining and entertainment plus whatever else appeals to our members.
*Dining Out Group is a mixed group coordinated by Frances G and will go, mainly to dinner, at venues where there is no pre payment required and members can purchase a meal and drinks on the night. Venues and dates and times will vary and members who RSVP will be provided with the relevant details.
* Dining Out and a Show Group is hosted by Frances G, where occasional Dining Out events will be "dinner and a show - buy your own ticket". Group tickets will not be purchased. Venues will vary, depending on the show selected. From time to time, show details may need to be sent outside the regular calendar, as tickets can sometimes sell out quickly, or there may be short notice. Dinner before or after the show is optional and will be at your own expense – it’s not generally included in the price of your ticket. You are of course, also welcome to just come along for dinner as long as you RSVP. If you wish to purchase tickets to get seats together with other Probians this is up to you to arrange.