Membership is open to retired and semi-retired professional and business people and others from any worthy vocation and who are resident primarily in the Melbourne metropolitan area.
Membership is also open to spouses and partners of those Members who were Members of the Club as at 30 June 2019, and to widows of former Members of the Club who now hold Associate Member status.
If you wish to join the Club and already know 2 Members of the Club who would support your Application, you should complete an "Application for Membership" form, providing some personal details, a brief background and recent interests. This form is available by contacting the Secretary on Mob. 0417 190 040. The Application for Membership Form is to be completed, signed and dated by the Applicant, and signed by a Proposer and a Seconder who are current Members. The Proposer will then submit the Application to the Secretary who will arrange for the Committee to consider it.
If you do not know any Members who are prepared to be a Proposer and/or Seconder, you should first complete an "Expression of Interest" form which is available from the Secretary. When completed, please forward it to the Secretary who will then arrange for it to be considered by the Management Committee. You will then normally be contacted by a Committee member to arrange to meet and discuss your interest further.
Contact details for the Secretary are readily available on the front page of the latest Newsletter - refer "Newsletters"
If any Applicant feels that they have special circumstances that the form does not allow for, they should feel free to discuss them with the President or the Secretary.
It is expected that each Applicant attends at least one Monthly General Meeting, at which time they meet with Members of the Committee and Membership Sub-Committee prior to their Application being formally processed. This is to ensure that they feel comfortable with the ethos of the Club.
Persons wishing to attend a Monthly General Meeting should contact their Proposer or another Member of the Club or the Secretary at least one week ahead of the Meeting so that you can be welcomed and introduced to Members and Committees Members.
The Application would normally be considered at the first available Management Committee Meeting (which are held monthly) and if successful and a vacancy for a new member exists, an induction date will be decided.
The Prospective Member will be advised as to the outcome of the considerations of the Management Committee by letter from the Secretary.
A one-off joining fee of $40 is payable in connection with becoming a Member.
A modest annual fee of $50 is payable by Members except for certain grades of Membership for whom the annual fee is $0. (For further details refer to the linked document Fees_from_1_April_2023.pdf.