AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

About our Club

The Club was established by the Rotary Club of Runaway Bay in 1989, and is free from the constraints of service clubs.

Members of the Combined Probus Club of Paradise Point Inc. are a group who appreciate and value opportunities for social contact with others in similar circumstances. The club aims to stimulate thought, interest and participation in activities providing regular opportunities to keep member's minds active and expanding their interests while at the same time enjoying the fellowship of new friends at a time when horizons may be narrowing and opportunities to make new friends are limited.


Membership of the Club is open to men and women in Post Code 4216 and its environs. Our Club has a membership ceiling of 110 members and a total waiting list of 10 applicants for membership at any one time.

Applications for membership must be proposed and seconded by two active Members of the Club and must be on the appropriate Application for Membership form.  For more information on membership, please refer to the Contact us page.  


A one-off Joining Fee [currently $20.00] applies to each new Member.

A membership Subscription Fee [currently $25.00] is payable annually.  This amount is reduced on a pro-rata basis depending upon the quarter in which a Member is inducted.   Of the $25.00 subscription fee, the Club is required to pay Probus South Pacific Limited an annual Capitation Fee [currently $20.00] per Member.

There is a nominal Entrance Fee [currently $5.00] for each person attending a meeting.  The fee is waived on a visitor's first attendance.