Welcome to the Newmarket Probus Club at Red Hill
Fun and Friendship in Retirement
Meeting at Red Hill Bowls, Sports & Community Club,
22 Fulcher Rd, Red Hill - Click for Location
The Probus Club of Newmarket was established in 2005 to bring together retired and semi-retired men and women from a variety of backgrounds. Its name came from the suburb where we initially met. Since then, we have changed our meeting place and we now meet at Red Hill.
Why join Newmarket Probus?
To meet new people and make new friends
To increase your knowledge by hearing our monthly speakers
To access monthly activities and special interest groups
All of this in a spirit of fun and friendship in retirement.
We meet monthly:
On the second Wednesday of each month
From 10 am until noon
At Red Hill Bowls, Community Sports Club, 22 Fulcher Rd, Red Hill
There are no meetings in December and January
Our General Meetings are made up of 3 parts:
A short, sharp business meeting
A delicious morning tea with a chance to socialise
A presentation by a speaker. Recently we have heard about The Life of Doris Day, Assistance Dogs and Downsizing
Some members also take the opportunity to go next door to the Broncos Club for lunch
Other activities you are invited to join in (see activities page for more details):
A variety of activities are offered on the fourth Wednesday of each month for all members. These have included a visit to the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers, get together at local coffee shops and Brisbane River Cruise.
Special interest groups include
Book Club (First Wednesday of the month)
Sunday Lunch (Sunday following the General Meeting))
Walking Group (Third Wednesday of the month)