Probus is a great way to make new friends in retirement!
Membership of the Probus Club of Newmarket is open to men and women who are retired or semi-retired who appreciate and value the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of others in a setting of fun and friendship .
Costs involved in joining the club are:
- A joining fee of $20 which includes a name badge.
- Annual Subscription of $25 (membership year is from April to April).
- A charge of $5 for each General Meeting which provides you with a delicious morning tea with lots of lively conversation and the opportunity to hear an interesting speaker.
The Probus Club of Newmarket is a not-for-profit organisation and all income is used for the benefit of members often through subsidising activities.
The Probus Member Benefits Scheme, through Probus South Pacific, provides Club members with a range of discounts on presentation of their Probus Membership Card.
Members are able to subscribe to complimentary digital copies of
- The Queensland Probian
- The national magazine Active Retirees
- Staying Connected (a weekly newsletter)
- E – Pen Pal
- E – Book Club
- Probus Podcasts
Interested? New members are very welcome. Why not come to a monthly meeting? We encourage prospective members to come as a visitor to a meeting and see if you would like to join.
For further information or inquire about membership, send an email to [email protected] and the Membership Officer will be in contact.