AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


If you are not a member of our club and would like to visit one of our meetings please phone 0412 016 515 and speak to our Membership Officer for further information.

Probus is all about Friendship, Fellowship and Fun in retirement and provides you with the opportunity to join together in clubs and to progress healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities with retirees in your community.

Probus opens the door to new experiences and friendships, you can hear wonderful guest speakers, stay active by participating in a wide range of activities and explore your community, your country or the world.

There are a range of member benefits and to quote a recent Probus Club member “the day I joined my Probus Club, I instantly had 100 new friends” – That is Probus, Friendship, Fellowship and Fun.

Probus Club of New Lambton Honeysuckle meets in the auditorium  of Newcastle United Sports Club, 2/12 Bryant Street, Adamstown NSW, on the 4th Friday of each month. Meeting times are 10:00 AM for a 10:15 AM start. The meeting finishes around 12:15.

There is a restaurant at the club and you would be most welcome to join those of us who continue the fellowship and partake of lunch after the meeting on an individual basis. This is not a club organised activity.


 The Probus Club of New Lambton was formed in 1984 and the Probus Club of Honeysuckle was formed on 2 June 1994. On February 25, 2014 both these clubs amalgamated into one club known as the Probus Club of New Lambton Honeysuckle Inc.

Club membership is approximately 60 members with the books remaining open (within a ceiling of 70) for new members.

Our Probus Club offers the opportunity to:

  • Keep your mind active

  • Make new friends

  • Go on outings

  • Hear interesting guest speakers

  • Attend theatre and movie outings

  • We are always open to suggestions from members as to further activities to be included at opportunity.

We hope our website has provided you with sufficient information about our Club to stir your interest – President Barb and members of the club extend an invitation to come along and meet our members and experience the Probian family.

You will be made welcome – all you need do is phone 1300 630 488 to get further information.