AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287



We meet on the fourth Friday of each month at 10:00 AM for a  10:15 AM start.

At each meeting we normally have a formal meeting agenda covering the Club's day to day running until morning tea when everyone gathers for Friendship and Fellowship over a cuppa.

A Guest Speaker will then deliver a presentation usually followed by question time until we close around 12:15.

Following the closure of the meeting members can choose to stay on and have lunch at the club. This is not an organised club activity but does give a chance to get to meet and chat with other members of the club in a relaxed environment.

Potential members are welcome to attend our regular meetings and together with their spouses, partners or friends to attend any of the Club’s activities, on up to 3 occassions to decide whether you wish to join formally. Contact details are under "Contact Us" page.


Our meetings take place at the following venue:

                        Newcastle United Sports Club

                        2/12 Bryant Street


                       Emergency Phone:      02 4952 9100 (Newcastle United Sports Club)

                       Commencing:            10 am entry for a 10:15 am start

                       Finishing:                  12:15 am