AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


An outing is scheduled during most months. These can include visits to charities, museums, galleries and waterways. Members are generally expected to meet at the scheduled venue and, on some occasions, an admission is charged. For most outings a booking sheet is available at the "Outings Desk" at meetings to register interest.

Some recent outings have included Anlaby Station, Haigh's Chocolates, Marion Historic Village, St. Peters Cathedral, Carrick Hill, Wittunga Botanic Gardens and Ambersun Alpaca Farm. Major outings have included a full day cruise on the Coorong and a full day on Steamranger. 

The outing is usually followed (or occasionally preceded) by lunch at a hotel/restaurant.

2024 Annual Picnic 

Lunch at the Cremorne Hotel

Bus trip to Anlaby Station

A very hungry kookaburra which enjoyed sausages at the annual picnic

2021 Annual Picnic. Eric's wine was top quality!



Jurlique Farm Visit (above & below)


"Tucking In" at the Old Mill, Hahndorf (below)



                                                           Visit to Warrawong (above)

To see a list of the up-coming outings refer to the latest Bulletin.