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Management Committee

A new committee is elected annually at the March AGM. Because the club is mixed gender, the role of President rotates between male & female with the term of president being for 1 year.

The committee meets monthly to conduct the business of the club. In this way the general meetings are almost devoid of business matters.

2024/25 Committee

President         Wayne Tonkin 

Vice President  Ros Ferris

Immediate Past President      Carla Donnelley 

Secretary          Chris Hodges

Treasurer          Brian Blackburn

Guest Speakers  Jim Morris

Outings             Gerry New

Bulletin             Bev Thomson

Profiles             Des Foster

Service/Welfare    Marj Whitman

Membership     Ann Sales

Historian          Doug Thomson

Outcoming President, Carla, inducting new President, Wayne

2024/2025 Committee

Secretary Chris