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A non fundraising Club for fun, friendship and fellowship. Currently we have a membership of 103 mostly retired men and women. 

We are located in the North-West Brisbane regional area. Our membership is from the Kenmore and surrounding suburbs; but we also have members from the Centenary suburbs as well as inner western suburbs such as Toowong and Taringa and from as far away as East Brisbane.

We are actively seeking new members.

We meet monthly on the first Monday of each month in the Grand Ballroom at the Jindalee Hotel, 130 Sinnamon Rd, Jindalee, Brisbane, from 9.30am for a 9.45am start (Note: if the first Monday of the month is a public holiday, then we meet on the first Wednesday of the month). You are most welcome to join us at our meeting where we plan activities, listen to fascinating speakers and enjoy the company of fellow Probians as well as share a morning tea followed by a Mix’n'Mingle luncheon at the hotel. Please notify the Membership Officer (see above under Contact US) in the first instance about your interest for catering purposes.

We plan on regular outings. Outings include, but are not limited to, day bus/train trips, visits to historic sites, and tours of places of interest. We plan on at least one multi-day excursion each year - in 2023 a 4-day trip to Lightning Ridge in August; for 2025 we are planning a three-day Christmas in July outing to Stanthorpe.

Some of our other regular monthly activities include a Dinner and Movie night at a Graceville restaurant and the Regal Cinema, a Book Club that meets at a local Kenmore cafe, a Writers Ink Club that meets at the Kenmore Library, a Dining Out Group that meets once a month at a different restaurant for either lunch or dinner, a Coffee and Chat morning tea at a local Kenmore cafe, a Combined Photography Group that meets quarterly at the Kenmore Library, a Combined Western Suburbs Armchair Travellers Group meeting monthly at the Kenmore Library and a Games Group, including Mahjong and Scrabble and card games, meeting at the Indooroopilly Hub (60 Stamford Rd, Indooroopilly, in a corner of Keating Park which is across the road from Indooroopilly Shopping Centre).