AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


We are very pleased to welcome you to the Combined Probus Club of Jervis Bay & Districts Inc.

Probus is all about Friendship, Fellowship and Fun for PRO-fessional & BUS-iness active retirees. Probus provides you with the opportunity to join together and to stimulate healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities. Probus opens the door to new experiences and friendships. You will hear wonderful guest speakers, be able to stay active by participating in a wide range of activities and be able to explore your community, your country or even the world.

We hope you take full advantage by attending our regular meetings, held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at The Country Club of St Georges Basin, 11 Paradise Beach Road, Sanctuary Point. Meetings usually include a ten minute club speaker, a raffle, morning tea, and a main speaker.

There are a variety of interest groups to get involved with including EATs (dining), WAGs (wine appreciation), Easy-Peasy (cooking class), craft, cards & games, bushwalking, 10-Pin bowling. and weekly coffee walkers & talkers. Details of activities and groups are given in our Club Newsletters which you will receive each month via email. 

Club Officers and Committee Members are listed in our newsletter. They will be pleased to assist you at any time or receive any ideas or suggestions you may have about the club.