The Jamestown and District Probus Club members meet monthly on the first Tuesday at 10am (except January) in the function room at the Jamestown Commercial Hotel.
The format of the meetings are-
9.45am members start arriving and register
10 am the President welcomes every one including any visitors.
Minutes, correspondence and business is then discussed. A welfare report is given, also activities.
10.30am a club speaker or an activity.
10.40 socialise and some morning tea, fellowship and registering interest in attendiing tours etc.
11 am members reconvene and enjoy a Guest Speaker.
12. noon close of the meeting
Some members including committee members and the guest speaker take advantage of the hotel's luncheon menu and stay in the room for more socialising.
10:00 am @ the Commercial Hotel Motel, Ayr Street, JAMESTOWN - new members welcome