THOIG (Travel, Hobbies and Other Interests)
This group meets each month on the first (1st) Wednesday commencing
at 9:30 am at the Croydon R.S.L. 1 Civic Square Croydon.
BAIT (Book And Interesting Topics)
This group meets each month on the third (3rd) Wednesday commencing
at 10:00 am. Please contact the secretary for more details.
Dine Outs
Monthly Lunch, Dinner and Breakfast at various local venues.
Movie Group
Depending on movies that are currently being shown, but usually once per month.
Coffee and Chat Group
Meets on any 5th Wednesday of a month at 10am usually at the Kilsyth Club.
Music Group:
Group currently in abeyance awaiting new leader.
Cards Group:
Group currently in abeyance awaiting new leader