AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


On the first Thursday of each month the Club organises an outing for its members.

These outings are single day activities and include lunches, visits to places of interest , and guided tours.

Recent outings have included:

  • Light Rail Excursion

  • Visit to the Conservatorium of Music

  • Qantas Airport Museum




Mar 6:   Lunch at the Manly Club  located near the Manly wharf.

Catch 9.50am Ferry (old) from Circular Quay for lunch at midday.


Apr 3:    Visit to Female Factory in Parramatta.

Train trip to Parramatta then new Light Rail to the doors of the Female Factory.

A guided tour will be given by Judith Dunn at a cost of $15 per person.

Lunch to be arranged with further details to follow