Probus Club of Bobbin Head
Monthly General Meeting
When: Monday 9th December from 10.00am to 12.00pm
Where: Turramurra Bowling Club, Bobbin Head Road, North Turramurra
Speaker: Marilyn Pryor – President U3A
Subject : U3A – “Learn, Laugh, Live””
Speaker’s Background: Marilyn Pryor is the President of U3A Upper North Group and will present on all aspects of U3A.Marilyn will tell us about the history of this organisation, the vast range of courses and events offered to members and how you can become a member. Marilyn will also explain the importance of community connection and social engagement and how U3A supports this.Bear in mind that this is not a recruitment presentation but an information session to keep you informed of alternatives out there in terms of talks, courses and events. Marilyn will be happy to answer any questions about U3A.So come along to hear the last Guest Speaker for this year and enjoy a light-hearted presentation.
Book Club
Book club meetings: Pymble Golf Club. Jane Dale 02 9487 6642
Friday 13th December. “Table for Two” by Amor Towles TIME 12:30PM
Friday 10th January 2025 “The family doctor” by Debra Oswald. Time 10.30am
Morning Tea Hornsby RSL
2nd DECEMBER and 6th January 2025
Come along and join in with your fellow members and friends for morning tea at Hornsby RSL Club at 4 High Street Hornsby at 10:00am. The Hornsby RSL Club opens at 10:00am. We meet in the Courtyard dining area.
Pay for your own everything. John Hunter 0417 658 849
In the coming year, we will be using a group booking facility for both the L@L and Pymble Players theatre productions. This means that we have provisionally booked 20 tickets for all performances. If we need more than 20, they will let us have the best available seats at the time. In order for the tickets to be validated, they must be confirmed and paid for by a specified date. Benefits are that we are assured of seats and tickets are slightly cheaper - this equates to either waiving the booking fee in the case of L@L or a small discount on seat prices for the Players. To retain these benefits, we need to pay for a minimum of 15 tickets for each performance.
Live at Lunch Concerts
The program for 2025 will be launched at the final concert for this year on November 13th
I have been advised that the first concert will be in early March and will make all the information available as soon as I receive it.
The Pymble Players:
The Players move to the Zenith Theatre Chatswood in 2025. It is easily accessible by train and offers comparatively inexpensive on- site parking. “It’s only a Play” by Terrence
Mc Nally will be their first production at the new venue and we have tickets provisionally reserved for Saturday March 15th, 2025 at 2:30pm
The play is set at a party in a lavish Manhattan townhouse, the home of wealthy producer Julia Budder. However, the real action takes place in an upstairs bedroom, where a group of insiders - whose fortunes and reputations rely on the reviews, are waiting for them to come out.
If you want to attend this play, please put your name on the list at either the November or December meeting and ensure that your money is in the Probus bank account before
3rd February 2025.
That production will be followed by:
The Spider’s Web by Agatha Christie on Sunday 6th July 2025 at 4pm
The Appleton Ladies Potato Race by Melanie Tait on Sunday 26th October 2025 at 4pm
Payment deadline dates will be advised closer to the time.
Event Movies at Roseville
We are waiting for confirmation of the dates and program.
I hope those who attended events during 2024 enjoyed them as much as I did.
Rhoda Fowler
Probus Social Walk
Unfortunately there will be no walk in December as Mike will be recovering from hip surgery at that time. A draft schedule of walks for 2025 will be available for you at the December meeting.
PROBUS SOCIAL WALK. JANUARY. MONDAY 20th. 2025.I am planning a shorter ‘coffee’ (no lunch) walk in January. It is yet to be finalised and recce-ed but it involves walking over the Harbour Bridge from Barangaroo to Milsons Point on to Kirribilli for coffee at the Flying Bear Cafe.More information in the January Newsletter.
If you are interested in this walk could you let me know at the December meeting so I can have some idea of numbers.
Sue Fairclough. Walks Coordinator.Register. Text. 0417 278 044. Email [email protected]
Loose Enders Coffee Group
J. J.’s – ST IVES VILLAGE Sunday 15th December 2024
Anyone is welcome to come along for coffee or tea and a chat. We now have a group of regular attendees but there is always room for more! As I book the table in advance, please let me know if you would like to join us.
Upon arrival, let me know if you would like to stay on and have lunch and I will book the table.
After a consensus at our last gathering, this should prove to be quite a popular addition to our day!
ROS TYLER - 0417904630
Come and join us for our annual summer barbeque at Bobbin Head on Monday 13th January 2025 from 12 midday.
There is no finishing time. Stay as long as you wish!
The pavilion is across the bridge and to the right, opposite the old brick building now used as a café and park office. Parking is close by. Bring your own food, drinks etc. An electric barbeque is available, but in previous years most people have brought picnic food rather than barbeque.
Cost is $5 per person to cover the cost hiring of the pavilion. Also there is the usual park entrance fee if you do not have a pass. As usual there will be a raffle and prizes for some lucky people.
To register contact John or Carol Vickery and payments to Michael Fairclough.
Email [email protected] or phone 0418275659.
Last opportunity to register will be at the December meeting. After that it will be necessary to phone or email. Also it will assist our treasurer if the $5 per person payment is made ASAP.
Christmas Lunch
Friday 6th December 2024 at 11:30am for 12:00noon
Venue: Terrey Hills Golf and Country Club
116 Booralie Road, Terrey Hills
Please arrive close to 11:30am so that we all seated by 12:00noon so that the fun can begin.
Zig Zag Railway Photos