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Probus Club of Bobbin Head

                         Monthly General Meeting                           


                                 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 


              When:      Monday 10th March 2025 from 10.00am to 12.00pm 

             Where:      Turramurra Bowling Club, Bobbin Head Road, North Turramurra

           Speaker:     Dennis Cowell

            Subject :    “When it all Began A Photographer’s Perspective”


We will have the pleasure of Dennis Cowell as our In-House Guest Speaker in March. Dennis will provide a PowerPoint presentation and talk on the topic of “A Photographer’s Perspective”.

In the very first chapter of the book of Genesis is a well-known and highly descriptive account of the beginning of the universe, including our world and everything in it. Anyone reading this account will probably have conjured up their own mental images from the written text. That’s what we humans do – create mind- pictures. In his presentation, Dennis will illustrate this account with photographs which he has taken in recent years, during his extensive travels throughout the natural and human world. He will also share some recent developments in the world of cameras as well as our privacy rights with regard to photography.

Upon retirement from running his own training and development business, Dennis studied photography at the Photography Institute in

Sydney, obtaining a Diploma in 2016 for Professional Photography. For the past couple of years Dennis has run a photography group at our Club through a varied program of discussions, demonstrations, field workshops and competitions and has assisted its members to improve their photography skills. These members are now producing high quality photographs whether on their smartphones or their digital cameras.

Dennis and his wife, Alison, have been travelling extensively for nearly 20 years. In 2012 and again in 2018 they circumnavigated the world by ship, each time taking some fifteen weeks to complete the journey. Among their more interesting travels have been visits to Iceland and Greenland, the Falkland Islands and Easter and Pitcairn Islands. Using photography has been an excellent way to record their many and varied travel experiences.

Be sure to come along to experience this rather unique presentation.


                                                  Book Club

Book club meetings: Jane Dale 02 9487 6642 Pymble Golf Club 10.30am

Friday 7th March  “Small Things Like These” by Claire Keegan

Friday 11th April “The Instrumentalist” by Harriet Constable



                                       Morning Tea Hornsby RSL

                                                          Monday 3rd March 2025

Come along and join in with your fellow members and friends for morning tea at Hornsby RSL Club at 4 High Street Hornsby at 10:00am.

The Hornsby RSL Club opens at 10:00am. We meet in the Courtyard dining area. 

 Pay for your own everything. John Hunter 0417 658 849 




                               Probus Social Walk

                                                     PROBUS SOCIAL WALK. Monday 17th March 2025


Monday 17th March 

City Skyline from Pirrama Park, Pyrmont Peninsula to Maritime Museum and Barangaroo. 

Turramurra 9.02am to Central then light rail to Fish Markets. 

From Fish Markets LR station, we walk up to Carmichael Park (a lift is available for the second part) via old Sydney quarry, for morning tea. Then we continue down to the waterfront boardwalk. Continue along the boardwalk to Darling Island for lunch. We then walk on to the Maritime Museum for coffee and then the short ferry ride to Barangaroo and home via Barangaroo Metro or Wynyard. 

Some sloping paths and steps initially then the rest of the walk on a level boardwalk. 6ks. 

Bring snacks, lunch, drinks. 

Sue Fairclough 

Walks Coordinator. Register. Email [email protected] 

Text. 0417 278 044                                                   

                              Entertainment Group


Upcoming Entertainment Events for Your Diary: 

Live at Lunch Concert series at the Concourse Chatswood 

Concerts begin at 12 noon and tickets cost $45.65 each 

April 09 : Paris Mon Amour! 

Payment deadline: March 05, 2025 

Ticket Distribution: Probus meeting March 10 

June 04: Baroque Brazil and Beyond 

Payment deadline: May 01 

Ticket distribution: May 12 

Pymble Players at the Zenith Theatre Chatswood 

Doors open at 2pm and the play begins at 2:30. Tickets cost $ 25.50 each 

July 12: Spider’s Web 

Payment deadline: May 26 

Ticket distribution June 09 


                     Loose Enders Coffee Group

                                                          J. J.’s – ST IVES VILLAGE 

                                                       Sunday 16th Marchy 2025 

Anyone is welcome to come along for coffee or tea and a chat. We now have a group of regular attendees but there is always room for more! As I book the table in advance, please let me know if you would like to join us. 

I will be away for the next gathering but all will be as usual. 

At the January gathering, 4 of us stayed for a most enjoyable lunch. 

LOOSE ENDERS will now extend to LOOSE LUNCHERS! 

ROS TYLER – 0417904630 


                  Photography Interest Groups 


        Black & White Study

                       “Akaroa NZ” 

                      Dennis Cowell 



Topic for both groups: Field Workshop: Black and White Photography 

SmartPhone Group: 

Date/Time: Thursday 13 March 2025, 10.00am for travel to Chatswood. 

Camera Group: 

Date/Time: Thursday 27 March 2025, 10.00am for travel to Chatswood. 

Details of time and place for meeting for this workshop will be advised direct to photography members by email nearer the meeting dates. 

For more information contact: 

Dennis Cowell Ph 0438 534 824 Email [email protected] 


                  HI Tea at Parliament House 


High Tea Friday 4th April 12:00pm 

Strangers’ Restaurant overlooking the beautiful Domain, provides a rare opportunity for the public to experience Traditional High Tea at New South Wales Parliament House. 

Served on the Parliamentary Crested Wedgwood plates, this unique high tea experience includes a wonderful selection of sweet & savoury items and a large selection of traditional & herbal teas. 







The Hi Tea comes with 2 options 

Option A is to have the Traditional Hi Tea at a cost of $65.00 per person (No wine) 

Option B is to have the Sparkling Hi Tea at a cost of $75.00 pp. (1 glass of sparkling wine) 

You must have your names listed so that we know who is coming along with your money paid for what you want so that we can present one payment at the end of the event. 

If you do have your name on the list and you cannot attend then it is your obligation to advise us. 

We have differing options for your Hi Tea at Parliament House experience. 

You can put your name on the list to go via bus with a cost for this mode of travel of $30.00 per person for a bus full of passengers. (30 minimum) 

OPTION A No wine via BUS Cost $65.00 for Hi Tea plus $30 for the bus = $95.00 pp, 

OPTION B - WINE via BUS - Cost of $75 for Hi Tea plus $30 for the bus = $105.00 pp. 

Bus will pick up at 10:45am from Turramurra Bowling Club – Bus leaves at 11:00am sharp. 

You can go via train to Martin Place station nearest to the Parliament House. You will need your OPAL card for the train. Train times to be supplied in the March newsletter. 

OPTION A – Hi Tea, No wine via TRAIN - Cost $65.00 pp, 

OPTION B – Hi Tea, WINE via TRAIN - Cost of $75.00 pp 

If you have an interest to come along then please either ring myself John Hunter 0417 658 849 or email me [email protected] to have your name put on my list along with your phone number and please advise me of what you would like.


Account Name:- Probus Club of Bobbin Head Inc. 

Bank:- Westpac Wahroonga branch BSB 032-089 Account No. 146781 

Please ensure that your name is shown on any direct deposit that you make to the club account so that deposits are easily identified and accounted to you who made the payment. 

If you have registered your name to come then please, 

Please pay your money to the Probus Club bank account or in person at the next meeting. 


                                  Christmas in July




THURSDAY 17th JULY 2025 

We thoroughly enjoyed our day out to Camden last year so I have booked the Camden Valley Inn once again. 

This year we will just have morning tea (courtesy of Hopkinsons), without the guided tour of Camden (which was impressive but not something we need to do again). 

More details in future Newsletters. 



ROS TYLER - 0417904630