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1.         The Club shall be managed by a set of Standing Resolutions approved by members consistent with Item 17 below.


2.         The Club shall be managed by a Management Committee (herein after called “The Committee”), comprising of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members to be responsible for Programs, Trips & Tours, Newsletter Editor, Welfare and such other activities as may be decided from time to time by the Club. One additional person will be an elected Committee member.

            The Immediate Past President shall be a member, ex officio, of the Committee with full voting rights.


3.       (a) The Management Committee is authorized to appoint a Probus Liaison Officer (with email access to allow communications with Probus South Pacific Limited) at the Annual General Meeting or the April  Committee Meeting. A current Vice-President will assume this position.


(b) The Management Committee is authorized to appoint an Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer and assistants to any other Committee positions, as required. Such assistants may attend Committee Meetings but do not have any voting rights. However, if the assistant is acting for the officer in his/her absence, then the assistant for that position would have one vote representing the officer.


(c) The Treasurer and one other designated signatory from the Management Committee are authorized to make payments from the Club’s bank account.


4.         The Club shall meet monthly at 10.00 a.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at The Geelong Masonic Centre, Regent Street, Belmont.


5.         The Club may meet at another time, on another day, or at another venue by decision of the members.


6.         The maximum membership of the Club shall be capped at 130 which will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.


7.         The Management Committee shall annually include a budget allocation for payment of non-member’s fees and authorize the Treasurer to remit the annual fee payment to Probus South Pacific Limited on behalf of the Club to cover Insurance issues that may arise for occasional visitors to General Meetings or Club Activities.


8.         The Club shall adopt a protocol to manage and maintain a waiting list.

            (a)  An expression of interest to join the Club will be recorded by date on the waiting list. A prospective member will be expected to attend at least two General Meetings and participate in at least one Club activity prior to application of membership. They will be placed on a waiting list.

(b)  No membership application form will be offered to a person on the waiting list until such time as there is a vacancy for membership.

            (c)  When appropriate, a membership application form will be offered to a person on the waiting list; the applicant must be sponsored and seconded by current members of the Club and approval for membership given by the majority of the Management Committee.

            (d)  Once the application for membership has been approved by a majority vote the Management Committee, the joining fee and (pro-rata) membership fee is payable upon induction into the Club.

9.         The Club shall operate in accordance with the Privacy Act.


10.       The Club shall operate under a Tours & Refunds Policy. The current policy is that any trip/tour must be paid for at least 7 days in advance of the trip and that monies may be refunded in extenuating circumstances.


11.       The Club shall operate under a Risk Management Policy.


12.       The Secretary is confirmed as the Public Officer.


13.       The subscription payable to members shall be $40.00 per annum which will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.


14.       The joining fee payable by a member on admission to the Club shall be $20.00 which will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.


15.       The Club shall establish a protocol for receiving and recording apologies. Such apologies must be received by the Attendance Officer prior to the commencement of the General or Annual General Meeting by a method accepted and approved by the members.


            Members leaving the Club meeting or functions early must advise a member of the Management Committee of their departure.


16.       The Management Committee shall provide Probus South Pacific Limited annually with the Club’s membership (names only) list in accordance with accreditation requirements set by Probus South Pacific Ltd.


17.       The Standing Resolutions, excluding those articles related to the Annual General Meeting, may be amended at any General Meeting of the Club, a quorum being present, by the affirmative vote of not less than 75% of the members present and voting (only written proxies are accepted) notice of such proposed amendment(s) having been published to all members at least twenty one (21) days before such meeting.


18.       The Club Vice-President (or one of the Vice-Presidents, should there be two) shall be ‘President Elect’ for the following Probus year, and should the Club find itself in the position of not having a Vice-President, then a current member of the Committee shall be appointed by a majority of the Committee.


19.       For the purpose of clarifying issues that may be relevant to claims through Probus South Pacific Insurance, all Club activities published in the Chatterbox are activities that have been agreed to and sanctioned by Club members. If however, due to unforeseen circumstances (weather, location problems etc.) and time does not permit the publication of a revised schedule, then the authorized Team Leader may make changes as necessary to ensure a safe and satisfactory activity. A record of these changes must be kept by the Team Leader and forwarded to the Secretary.


20.       Procedure for dealing with un-financial members:-

            (a)  At the General Meeting after the AGM the Treasurer, in his report, will remind members that subscriptions are now overdue and should be paid either at this meeting or within the next two weeks.

            (b)  Approximately 45 days after the AGM the Treasurer will attempt to contact un-financial members by phone to arrange for immediate payment, or to ask whether the member intends to resign.

            (c)  At the second General Meeting after the AGM the Treasurer will attempt to personally contact remaining un-financial members. Immediately after the meeting the Treasurer will again attempt to phone contact with those who have yet to be contacted.

(d)  Approximately 75 days after the AGM the Treasurer will send formal letters to the remaining un-financial members, stating that they have 30 days to pay or resign.

(e)  At the first Committee Meeting after the expiry of the 30 day notice period, the Committee will review the membership of those who have not resigned or paid.


21.       The AGM shall be held in the month of March each year at which the Annual Report and Annual Accounts will be received and an Auditor shall be appointed for the following year.


22.       Receipts will be written for all money collected by the Club.


23.       The Club will authorize the Assistant Treasurer and all members of the Committee to be eligible to bank Club money.





24.       The Club shall meet monthly at 10.00 a.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the 

            Waurn Ponds Hotel, 1154 Princess Highway, Waurn Ponds, Vic. 3216


It was moved by Don Grimmer at the meeting dated 13th September, 2023 that the we adopt this Standing Resolution.


 Seconded by: Robyn Williamson      

                                                                                    ALL IN FAVOUR                                  CARRIED



Signed: President: Geoff Johnston                                        Secretary: Alberta Keogh