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Club No. 9003554

District No. 97

Inc. Number A005281

Adopted by the Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc.

 June 2024

Risk Management Policy 


1.          General Statement of Policy

2.          Disclaimer

3.          Safety and Protocol

             3.1 Meeting Room(s)

             3.2 Food Services

4.          Activities, Outings and Tours

5.          Handling of Money

6.          Privacy

7.          Technology

8.          Record Keeping

9.          Other Issues

10.        Forms  

1.0       General Statement

 This policy was adopted by the members of the Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc. at a General Meeting held on 12th June 2024.

The Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc. recognises the need to ensure the minimisation of the potential risks to members and visitors, which may occur as a result of their participation in the activities of the Club.

It is important to the overall enjoyment of the Club that potential areas of risk be identified and controls put in place to reduce the possibility of injury.

This policy is also designed to provide for officer, committee and sub-committee members and leaders of activities, outing and tours confidence in their administrative roles within the Club.

Nothing in this policy is designed to restrict the enjoyment of members’ or visitors’ participation in the activities of the Club. 

The purpose of this policy is twofold.

1.         To reduce the risk of injury.

2.         To protect the Club and its members in the event of action being taken against the Club, its officers, committee and      sub-committee members, activity leaders or individual members.

These risks include physical aspects of safety, identity theft, data theft, internal security breaches via email and websites, contracting computer infection, spyware, etc.

Any invasion of privacy, should be reported to the President. She/he would then call a meeting of the Executive (President, Secretary, Treasurer) to deal with the issue and report the outcome to the Committee.

2.0      Disclaimer

 The Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc. in no way claims this manual to be a comprehensive document covering all aspects of Risk Management which is likely to affect the operation of the Club.

The document suggests a number of important areas that should be covered in order that a safer environment may be provided for members and visitors.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure issues related to Risk Management within the Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc. the Management Committee and the Risk-Management Sub-Committee does not accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies within the document.

This manual is provided on the basis that the Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc. shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever arising from any incorrect, incomplete or out of date information contained within the document.

3.0      Safety and Protocol

3.1       The Meeting Venue

The Management Committee shall ensure:   

(1)       A First Aid Kit is available to use at all meetings.

(2)       A record of all members, guests or visitors attending meetings is maintained. 

 (3)       A record of apologies is maintained.

(4)       A list of emergency numbers (including emergency contact information) for participants including guests is                        kept and maintained at registration desk and/or Secretary, at all times.

 (5)       All power leads, microphones cables and other fittings are properly secured or covered.

 (6)       All persons present are advised of the location of exits, evacuation assembly point and the procedures to be                             followed in the case of an emergency.

(7)       The defibrillator is to be used by persons nominated.

 (8)       Normal/reasonable duty of care is undertaken and observed.

3.2     Food Services and/or Preparation

 The Hospitality Officer/Officers shall be responsible for:

 (1)       Club managed food and beverage services.

 (2)       Good hygiene practices are undertaken and observed.

  (3)       An appropriate location for hot beverages.   

4.0      Activities, Outings and Tours

Activities, Outing and Tours Leaders shall be responsible for:          

(1)       Identifying and assessing any physical risks of an activity, outing or tour including weather conditions, venue,

              and transport.

(2)       Maintaining a record of participants together with participants’ emergency contact numbers.

(3)       Recording apologies and participants leaving early from an activity, outing or tour,

(4)       Designating an appropriate alternative person/s to manage an activity, outing or tour in the case where the designated Leader is unable to attend at short notice.

(5)       Encouraging participants to have their medical cards with them.

(6)       Advising participants of procedures to be followed in case of an emergency.

(7)       Ensuring all participants have signed the Club’s Outings, Activities and Tours Registration Form.

(8)       Understanding the terms of condition of bus hire prior to agreeing to such conditions.

(9)       Ensuring participants are aware of the insurance coverage available under the National Insurance Program.

(10)     Calling for an ambulance in the event of any incidents, accidents or injuries, where appropriate.

(11)     Recording of any incidents, accidents or injuries and reporting to PSPL for insurance purposes. 

 4.1      Cycling Activities

 The Cycling Group leader should be responsible for:

 (1)       Ensuring the wearing of High Visibility Vests.

(2)       A basic First Aid Kit.

 (3)       The adherence of  Cycling Road Safety Rules. 

5.0      Finance/Handling of Money

The Treasurer shall be responsible for:

(1)       The financial management of Club funds under the direction of the Management Committee.

(2)       The approval by the Management Committee of all financial transactions and payments which have been                            authorised by at least two unrelated persons. 

(3)       Payments only to be made where there is supporting documentation such as an invoice.

(4)     Delegating, with the approval of the Management Committee,  the collection of monies being paid by members and                 guests for activities to the designated leader/organiser of such activities.

(5)       The banking of all collected monies within two working days in accordance with the conditions of the Money Cover Insurance provided by PSPL.  "PSPL offers protection to accredited Probus Clubs, accredited Probus Associations and.             provisional Probus Clubs for the Theft of Money including whilst in Transit up to $5,000 per Club or Association."

(6)       The recording of all monies received by either individual receipt and/or a register indicating payee, date and amount.

(7)       Maintaining a register of Club assets.

  (8)       An annual Budget, setting out the anticipated Income and Expenditure for the ensuing year.

(9)       The counting of any accepted cash should be counted on the day to ensure accuracy of payment.

(10)     Approval by the Management Committee to determining whether to approve an activity and its associated costs.

6.        Privacy

              The Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc. is responsible for: 

(1)       Maintaining personal information in its register of members and such                                                       other lists              that may be required to be kept are securely maintained.

(2)     The completion of the Club’s Membership Application Form provided by PSPL, which includes personal information and             consent to the Club/PSPL to publish photographs or videos of members on their websites, newsletters and on social                media to promote the Club and Probus generally. Club Secretary to be advised in writing if such consent not                  given.

(3)       The consent by members of their information being published in the Club’s Handbook.

(4)       The collection of members’ emergency contact/contacts information.

(5)       Advising the returning or destroying of any information accessed by a past  member of the Club.

(6)       Ensuring that the PSPL’s  ‘Club Administration’ section is restricted to current Management Committee members.

7.        Technology

The Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central Inc. is responsible for: 

(1)       Secure Passwords.

(2)       The use of the Club’s emails in preference to personal email addresses.

(3)       To ensure that “bcc” is used for ‘private emails’.

(4)       The use of  a “disclaimer’ in email signatures.

(5)       Use of Anti-Virus, Updates and Backups on a USB or USB Hard Drive.

8.        Record Keeping

The Management Committee is responsible for:

(1)       Keeping and maintaining records including Minutes and Financial Reports for 7 years.

(2)       Keeping attendance lists for meetings and activities at least 13 months for Insurance purposes.

9.        Other issues

The Management Committee shall endeavor to address issues related to:

(1)       Risk assessment and management. 


“Members to comply with the requirements of the Victorian State Government  with respect to COVID 19 and be aware of their responsibilities.

 (2)       Privacy legislation.

10.      Forms

 (1)       Registration Form for outings and/or tours.

 (2)       Accident/injury/incident report/Details of Injuries sustained.


In adopting the Risk Management Policy members are encouraged to:

(1)       Participate in the development of the Club’s Risk Management Policy and the formal adoption of any such policy.

(2)       Take responsibility and not participate if they are unwell.

(3)       Understand the coverage available to them under the National Insurance Program.


Information provided shall be kept private and confidential within the confines of the Probus Club and shall only be used in the event of an emergency.