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Out & About

Wednesday February 26th at 10.30am a visit to the Geelong Wool Museum Moorabool St to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. Map

Cost will be $9.00 per person to be paid on the day. Lunch – ‘Tempo’, Novotel Hotel $25 per person. Map

Tuesday March 25th at 10.30am the Potato Shed at 41 Peninsula Drive Drysdale. Map

A Show is a tribute to Barbara Streisand & Bette Midler. The cost will be $20.00 per person and it must be paid by the end of the February meeting, so we are able to pay the Potato Shed. After the show lunch will be at the Drysdale Hotel. Money to be paid by February 12,  General Meeting.

Wednesday 23rd April – Mini golf Curlewis  - $12 per person, lunch at Leopold Sportsmen’s Club. Map


Dine Out

Wednesday 19th February - Irish Murph's Aberdeen Street,  6.30 p.m. Map


Phantom Walkers 

Tuesday 25th February  - 10 a.m. Café Brioche, West Fyans Street. Map

Garden Group


No Garden Group outing in February

Games Group

Friday, 28th February 1.30 p.m. Adriana's Place

Books/Puzzles Swap

General Meeting 12th February 2025