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                       Meetings and Activities

The club has an extensive range of regular meetings and activities which satisfy a large range of interests.

                                           General Meetings

General meetings for all members occur monthly. They are held in Avoca Beach Bowling and Recreation Club on the third Monday of each month except December. From 10.00am a group of organizers take bookings and payments for upcoming social events. The meeting starts at 10.15am.   After a review of activities there is a tea break followed by an address by a person who gives a talk on a matter of particular interest to members. The meeting generally ends at about 12 Noon. Then members are invited to stay for lunch at their own expense at “The Table” restaurant in the bowling club. The restaurant offers a short list of specials at a budget price and a wide range of a la carte dishes. The program for 2025 is :-

  • 20 January
  • 17 February
  • 17 March
  • 28 April
  • 19 May
  • 16 June
  • 21 July
  • 18 August
  • 15 September
  • 20 October
  • 17 November


At 11am on the first Monday of each month in the warmer months, a barbecue is held in a variety of public parks with cooking facilities.  For a cost to members of $5 the club provides a simple meal of sausage, salad, bread roll, and a piece of cake with hot drinks.  Members take their own cutlery, plates, mugs, nibbles, and cold drinks.  The parks contain limited seating facilities so most members take their own folding tables and chairs.  Being informal these are very popular activities as members can freely mix and move around.  There is generally music playing in the background and often a music quiz.

If the weather is wet, the function is moved to the designated wet weather alternative pub lunch starting at 12 noon with the hotel bistro providing meals, including a budget list, at members’ own expense.

In the colder months (June, July, August) a bistro lunch is held, at members’ own expense,  in a variety of clubs and hotels  - again on the first Monday of the month starting at 12 noon.


                                     Special Interest Groups

Golf : A small group meet weekly for 9 holes at about lunchtime on Wednesday at Breakers Country Club in Wamberal.

Walking  :  An enthusiastic group meet weekly at 8.30 or 9.15 in a variety of scenic venues for a roughly 40 minute easy walk followed by a visit to a coffee shop.

Ten Pin Bowling : An active group of mainly beginners meet each month when possible at 10am on the second Monday of the month for two games at Bateau Bay Bowling Centre.

Mexican Train Dominoes :  This unusual game is played by a large group of members each Thursday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm in the large house of one member who is able to provide the facilities (but numbers are limited by the space available).  A second group has been formed recently and the members play on the second and fourth Monday of the month at the Avoca Beach Bowling Club from 1pm to 4pm.  It is open to any members interested to join.

Book Exchange : A book exchange is maintained by one member.  Each monthly General Meeting he brings the current large collection to the meeting and members are welcome to borrow from it and add to it.


                                               Other Social Activities

The club has a team of social organizers who plan and then manage a variety of social activities away from the club.  There is at least one each month, such as restaurant meals, trip to races, trips to places of interest using public transport or own cars. The program for 2025 is shown below.