AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc.

Club Administration



General Meeting Minutes - January_2025.pdf

General Meeting Minutes - 18 November 2024.pdf

General Meeting Minutes - October 2024.pdf



Annual General Meeting Minutes 2024.pdf









By a Special Resolution at the General Meeting convened on Monday 16 November 2015, members resolved to amend Articles 7(d) and 7(e) of the current Club Constitution. The amended Club Constitution has been registered with the NSW Office of Fair Trading and lodged with Probus South Pacific Ltd.


Standing Resolutions

Standing Resolutions are a collection of decisions that the club has made to facilitate its operation and administration. Examples are the frequency of general meetings, annual membership fees, arrangements for attending club functions and general practices of the club. Unlike amendments to the Constitution, Standing Resolutions do not have to be registered with the Office of Fair Trading and can be adopted, modified or rescinded in the future at an Ordinary General Meeting.


Probus  -  Standing Resolutions.pdf





Administration Policies

These are a group of documemts which the club's Management Committee has approved to help people involved in administration tasks. They are not registered. They can be reviewed and changed by the Management Committee at any time.






Membership Subscriptions

Membership Subscriptions are due and payable on 1 February each year. Members are urged to pay their Membership Subscription promptly to enable the club to pay Capitation Fees for members' insurance etc. to Probus South Pacific Ltd. Only financial members may vote at the Annual General Meeting in March. Subscriptions must be paid by 31 March to maintain membership; otherwise, the Management Committee may, by resolution, terminate the membership of any member who has not paid the annual subscription by 31st March and remove them from the Register of Members.

Current Membership Subscriptions for the Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. are:


Joining Fee



Annual Membership Subscriptioin, due on 1 Februaryl each year


A reduced Annual Membership Subscription applies for the current year to members who join after 1 August in any year.

34th Annual General Meeting 2024  

The 34th Annual General Meeting of the Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. was held on Monday 18 March 2024 at the Avoca Beach Bowling & Recreation Club, Avoca Drive, Avoca Beach following the General Meeting that commenced at 10.15am.

At the Annual General Meeting members resolved to:

  • Adopt the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 20 March 2023
  • Adopt the audited Annual Financial Statement from 1 February 2023 to 31 January 2024
  • Receive the Annual Report of the Club
  • Elect the Club Officers and Members of the Management Committee for the coming year
  • Confirm the appointment of members to ancillary positions that facilitate the operations of the Club

Notice of 35th Annual General Meeting 2025

The 35th Annual General Meeting of the Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. will be held on Monday 17 March 2025 at the Avoca Beach Bowling & Recreation Club, Avoca Drive, Avoca Beach following the General Meeting that commences at 10.15am.

At the Annual General Meeting members will be asked to:

  • Adopt the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 18 March 2024
  • Adopt the Annual Financial Statement from 1 February 2024 to 31 January 2025
  • Receive the Annual Report of the Club
  • Elect the Club Officers and Members of the Management Committee for the coming year
  • Confirm the appointment of members to ancillary positions that facilitate the operations of the Club
  • Deal with any other business of which notice has been given.

Nominations for 2025-26

Nominations open on 20 January 2025 for election of Officers and Management Committee members for 2025-26. The Management Committee comprises the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer as ex-officio members, and up to eight other members, which usually include the Social Activities Coordinator, Guest Speakers Organiser, Membership Officer, Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and Catering Manager. Remaining members are usually nominated from those holding Ancillary Appointments. Nominations also open for Ancillary Appointments, appointed by the  Management Committee. Current positions and appointments are listed on page 1 of the Newsletter and the previous page of this website.

Nomination forms will be available from the Secretary and must be signed by two (2) members of the club and the member being nominated. Nominations close at the General Meeting on 17 February 2025. These positions will be filled, by ballot if necessary, at the Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2025.


Probus Member Benefits Scheme

The Probus South Pacific Limited Member Benefits Scheme offers members exclusive discounts from a variety of participating businesses. All you need to do is present your Probus South Pacific Limited membership card in person, or quote the relevant membership number over the phone. Probus Club members have exclusive access to a wide range of excellent discounts and terrific deals. See for details.

National Parks Fee Exemption Cards

Pensioner Concession card holders are entitled to free entry into all NSW national parks and reserves by obtaining an NPWS Exemption card.

To obtain free entry into any NSW national park or reserve, please display the NPWS Exemption card on the dashboard of the vehicle in which you are travelling, unfolded, with the expiry date facing up and clearly visible.

Applying for an exemption card is easy.

  • If it's your first time applying for an NPWS Exemption card, please send:
    • A completed application form and
    • A photocopy of both sides of your Pensioner Concession card.
  • To renew your NPWS Exemption card (which you’ll need to do each year), please send a copy of both sides of your Pensioner Concession card up to a month before its expiry. You do not need to complete an application form to renew your NPWS Exemption card.

Please write your name, address and phone number on the photocopy of your Pensioner Concession card to ensure that your name and contact details are fully legible.

Post your application to: National Parks Contact Centre Manager, PO Box A290, Sydney South NSW 1232 



Embarking on your next trip is exciting, and while you hope the unexpected does not happen, it is best to be prepared. Buying Probus Travel Insurance for your trip can offer cover for minor things, like a delayed suitcase*, or significant things, like an unexpected trip cancellation or an overseas medical emergency*.

We've partnered with emergency medical assistance provider, Allianz Global Assistance to ensure you have the support and care you need. Remember to always read the Product Disclosure Statement for the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions.

Features and Benefits:

Pre-existing medical condition cover: You can apply for pre-existing medical condition cover on Comprehensive, Multi-Trip and Domestic plans using our easy online medical assessment that provides an instant outcome.

24/7 emergency assistance: If you need help while travelling, Australian based case managers are here for you 24/7, with registered doctors and nurses available.

Simple claims process: If something happens while you are travelling, making a claim is simple with our online claims portal. You can make a claim online while you are still travelling or when you return.

Epidemics and pandemics: Travel has changed dramatically since COVID-19 became a worldwide pandemic. This product has a general exclusion, with limited exceptions, against epidemics and pandemics. That means we don’t cover claims that arise from, or are related to, an epidemic or pandemic.

However, Probus Travel Insurance offers cover under selected benefits if, during your period of cover, you are positively diagnosed as suffering a sickness recognised as an epidemic or pandemic, such as COVID-19.

Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement to see which benefits offer cover in the event that you contract a sickness recognised as an epidemic or pandemic, and the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions that apply.

In addition, if a COVID-19 border closure or mandatory quarantine period prevents you from travelling, or requires you to shorten your journey while travelling, you may be entitled to cancel your policy and receive a partial or full premium refund; refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for conditions.

Plans: Depending upon your age, where you are travelling to, the length of your trip, you may be offered one, two or three different plans. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply; refer to the Product Disclosure Statement to compare plans in more detail.

Probus Travel Insurance can provide coverage up to 9 months in advance of your trip. The premium payable for Probus Travel Insurance will depend on your age, where you are going and how long you are going for.

To obtain a quote on Probus Travel Insurance Plan A please contact Probus South Pacific Ltd on 1300 630 488 or email [email protected] or use the quote request form at You will need your membership number to complete the application form.