AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc.

How to Contact Us

You are invited to visit the Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc.

General Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month (except December) at Avoca Beach Bowling & Recreation Club, Avoca Drive, Avoca Beach 2251, commencing at 10.15am.

Our 'Birthday Barbecues' are held on the first Monday of each month at various venues on the beautiful Central Coast, from 11.00am to about 2.00pm.

In Winter months (June, July and August), our Barbecue is replaced with a light lunch at a local eatery.

Visitors and potential members are welcome.

Come along, make new friends, hear interesting guest speakers and join us in our social activities.



Email the Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. at [email protected]     



Welcome to the Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. We hope you will enjoy your visit.

PROBUS is an association of active retirees in the community. It provides opportunities for social interaction, expanding interests, and enjoying friendship, fellowship and fun and is a world-wide movement, operating in 23 countries. The Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. is an incorporated association, governed by a Constitution and Standing Resolutions, and managed by a Management Committee elected annually by the members.

The Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. meets on the third Monday of each month (except December) at the Avoca Beach Bowling & Recreation Club, Avoca Drive, Avoca Beach from 10.15 am. Usually, there is a short business meeting, a guest speaker, and an opportunity to book for upcoming social functions. Following the meeting, you are encouraged to stay for lunch in the club restaurant.

We offer an extensive program of social functions, details of which are published in our monthly Newsletter. If you wish to attend a social function, you must book your place by the advertised date. Some functions have participation limits and bookings are accepted in order of receipt.

In some cases, full payment is required with your booking; for other functions, you will be required to pay a deposit at the time of booking and the balance by a prescribed date. For some functions, you may only need to make a booking and pay your ‘own cost’ at the function. If you need to cancel your registration to attend a social function, you must advise the event organiser as soon as possible. Any refund will depend on costs incurred by the club and payments and commitments for the function; a full refund may not be possible. Details are contained in our Social Activities Policy.

Usually each month, we have a ‘Birthday Barbecue’ at a local venue. These are very informal, friendly occasions that give members an opportunity to socialise with friends and acquaintances. Bring your nibbles, salads and drinks and we’ll provide the food, tea and coffee for a very reasonable cost (usually $5). A chair and picnic table will be very handy but not essential. To attend, book your place at the previous general meeting, being sure to note where the next barbecue will be held. If you book your place but are unable to attend, please advise the Catering Liaison Officer.

When attending a general meeting or a social function, it is imperative that you record your attendance. The Probus National Insurance Program provides insurance coverage for Personal Injury, Public Liability and Association Liability for members, visitors and guests whilst attending or participating in a ‘recognised Probus activity’.

If you wish to join the Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc., you must attend at least three general meetings before you submit an Application for Membership. You are welcome to attend social functions as a visitor for a limited time before submitting a membership application. This gives you an opportunity to experience the club, to make an informed decision about your membership, to become fully aware of your obligations as a member and to obtain the sponsorship of two members for your Application for Membership. A Joining Fee and the Annual Membership Fee is payable with your application. The club has a membership limit and applications can only be accepted if there are vacancies.

Members are required to accept the concept of PROBUS, to attend club meetings and functions and to participate in the operation of the club. It is a condition of membership that you accept that at some time you may be called upon to serve on the Management Committee or in an Ancillary Appointment. Your membership will be registered with Probus South Pacific Ltd. and you will receive a PROBUS Membership Card containing your membership number. This will entitle you to access Probus Travel Insurance and the Probus Member Benefits Scheme.

The club only communicates by email. To become a member you must have an email address. You are requested to register it so that we can communicate with you, especially if there are changes to any planned functions. Your email address will be treated confidentially and respected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

The Probus Club of Avoca Beach Inc. publishes a monthly Newsletter, which contains information for members, details of recent, current and forthcoming club activities, and contact details for our Management Committee and Ancillary Appointments. The club provides a website for the information of our members and the community generally. The club may publish names and photographs of our members and visitors in the club Newsletter or on the club website to promote the club and our events, and will imply that you have consented to publication. If you do not consent to such publication, you must advise the Secretary, in writing.

PROBUS publishes the ‘Active Retirees’ magazine two-monthly and members can register to receive an electronic copy of the magazine by email.