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Blast from the podcast

A combination of the words ‘pod’, from ‘iPod’, and ‘cast’, from ‘broadcasting’, a podcast is a series of audio or video digital media recordings that you can subscribe to and download onto your computer, mobile phone or portable media player.

While most podcasts can be found on the publisher’s website, most are also in the iTunes store for free.

What can I download?

The most common use of podcasts is to record segments of radio to be downloaded, stored and listened to at leisure. Universities around Australia are now recording lectures to enable students to download lectures, and anyone can listen and learn (click on ‘iTunesU’ at the top of the iTunes store). Public figures, such as politicians, use podcasts as a way to be heard by audiences they otherwise would not be able to reach.

Learning a new language via podcast has been a hit, and many authors have released audio novels in the iTunes store (click ‘Books’), split into episodes and periodically released.

What is iTunes?

iTunes is free software that allows users to play, download and organise music, video files and podcasts on their computers. iTunes also has a built-in store which allows users to search and subscribe to the world’s biggest database of podcasts. When you subscribe to a podcast, the latest episode of that podcast will be automatically downloaded when you open iTunes. You can then either listen to the podcast through your computer, or download it to an iPod or iPhone.

How to subscribe

  1. Start by downloading iTunes onto your computer ( Once you have downloaded and installed iTunes, you will be prompted to log in to your iTunes account or create one.
  2. Once you have signed up and logged into your account, you will be presented with your media home screen. On the top navigation bar, in the right-hand corner, click the ‘iTunes Store’ option.
  3. Once you are on the ‘iTunes Store’ page, in the top navigation bar is the store menu. Move your mouse over the word ‘Podcast’ and a little down-arrow will appear.
  4. Left-click on the down-arrow to make a list of ‘Podcast’ topics appear. Left-click on the appropriate topic; you will be presented with the top 120 podcasts in that category.
  5. To read more about a podcast, left-click on its title. If you want to subscribe, left click on the ‘Subscribe Free’ button, located under the title. A confirmation pop-up will appear; left-click the ‘Subscribe’ button.
  6. To get back to your library, click the ‘Library’ option in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  7. Now that you have subscribed to your first podcast, a ‘Podcast’ section will appear in the main menu on the top navigation of your screen, under ‘the Library’ options. Left click on the ‘Podcast’ button and you will find your first podcast.

Search for a podcast

  1. Open iTunes and click the ‘iTunes Store’. Located in the top right-hand side of the Store is the search box.
  2. Type in the name of the podcast and press ‘Enter’ on the keyboard. You will now be presented with the top results for that search. Scroll to find the one you’re after.
  3. Now that you have located the podcasts section, the title you are looking for should be under that section. To read more about the podcast, left-click on the title.
  4. If you want to subscribe, left-click on the ‘Subscribe Free’ button, located under the title.
  5. A pop-up will appear confirming you wish to subscribe. Left-click the ‘Subscribe’ button.

Must hear:

Life Matters: Richard Aedy hosts interviews and discussions about topics affecting daily health and wellbeing.

The History of Rome: a weekly podcast tracing the rise, decline and fall of the Roman Empire covering topics such as The Seven Kings of Rome, Hadrian's Wall and The Sacking of Rome.

A Prairie Home Companion: Garrison Keillor shares the latest news and views from Lake Wobegon where "all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average".

The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous: serving up simple, painless ways to upgrade your eating habits. You'll be eating healthier and feeling fabulous!

TEDTalks: devoted to ideas worth spreading. Listen to inspiring talks from the world's leading thinkers and doers.