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Jump on the blogging bandwagon

Want to start sharing your opinions and information with the world? Or simply want to comment on other people’s opinion? Get blogging quick smart.

What is a blog?

A blog is an ongoing conversation conducted on the internet. Essentially, it is a website published by an individual or business for the purpose of sharing information and creating discussions. Unlike traditional websites, blogs are usually free, quick and easy to set up with a number of different layouts available. The information on a blog is generally arranged in chronological order from the most recent post at the top of the main page, to the oldest entries at the bottom. Blogs can be set up under an individual website address or the software creator’s website using a sub-domain address. Most importantly, software developers have ensured that their software requires little technical knowledge.

Trending topics

Blogs are normally created around a certain topic or theme, but in recent years there has been a trend towards individuals creating blogs to provide information on multiple topics. This is not surprising when you consider that statistics show that the number of blogs worldwide has grown from 35.8 million in October 2006 to 173 million in October 2011. 

Up until a few years ago, information posted on a blog was seen to have less credibility than information posted on a website. While this may be true for some sectors of information, many web users now prefer to gain information from an independent source, which often comes in the form of a blog. Due to the changing nature of trust on the internet, companies are beginning to create their own blogs separate from their own websites, to interact with new users and to put some personality into their company image.

Why follow a blog?

No matter what the topic you want to talk about online, there will always be someone else with the same passion and drive who is already blogging on the topic. Blogs not only allow the author to have their say, but include a comments area for you to express your own point of view. While there are a large number of blogs dedicated to important subjects on the internet, there is also a lighter side to blogging with many fun and frivolous posts focusing on funny photos, future inventions, jokes and cute photos of cats.

Start your own blog

Starting your own blog is simple. But first you need to work out the balance between what you want to say and what people will want to read. Once you have decided on your subject, you need to select a blogging software provider. The two largest and easiest to use are Wordpress and Blogger. Due to the usability and networking structure of Wordpress, it is generally recommended over Blogger for first-time users. 

It’s free, and you can have a working blog in just seven simple steps

  1. Visit the Wordpress homepage:
  2. Click on the ‘Get started here’ button.
  3. Enter your new account information and select a URL for your blog.
  4. You will be sent an email to activate your account – follow the instructions in the email.
  5. Choose a design, also known as a theme, that suits your blog.
  6. Tweak and customise your settings through the ‘Dashboard’ to get it looking the way you want.
  7. Start typing!

Write your blog with passion on a regular basis and you should soon be rewarded with a steadily increasing following. Try it, it’s addictive.

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