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Organise your computer desktop

Organise your computer desktop and enjoy the speedy, easy use it delivers.

Just like you when your desk is a jumbled mess and your papers are everywhere, your computer works more slowly when it has files scattered everywhere. Cleaning up your computer desktop will save you hours spent searching for that long-lost file and will help your computer run more efficiently.


It’s best to organise your documents into folders so everything is all in one place.

To create a folder on a PC computer, right click a blank part of the desktop. In the pop-up menu, move your cursor over the word ‘New’ and left click the word ‘Folder’.

On a Mac, hold down the 'Control' button and left click a blank space on the desktop. From the menu, choose 'New Folder'.

Type in the name of the new folder and press enter.

To move files into the folder, move your cursor over a file and hold down the left click mouse button, drag the file into the new folder and let go of the left mouse button.

Create shortcuts

Shortcuts allow users to easily navigate to often-used items or programs.

On a blank area of your PC desktop, press the right click button on your mouse.

From the menu, select ‘New’, move your mouse over the ‘Shortcut’ button and press the left click button on your mouse. Click the ‘Browse’ button to find the program you wish to create a shortcut for. Your shortcut has been created on the desktop.

To create a shortcut on a Mac, launch ‘Finder’ and browse until you find the application, folder or file you want a shortcut to. Highlight the application by left clicking once on the file. Hold down ‘Control’ and left click on the file.

From the menu, left click ‘Make Alias’. Once the shortcut has been created, select the shortcut and drag it to an unused area of your desktop.

Delete shortcuts

To delete a shortcut on your PC desktop, hover your cursor over the shortcut you no longer require. Press the right click button on your mouse and from the drop down menu, left click on ‘Delete’. If you are asked to confirm, do so.

On a Mac, hover your cursor over the shortcut, hold down ‘Control’ and left click on the file. From the menu, left click ‘Move to Trash’. Confirm if asked.