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Glen Waverley keeps connected remotely

Like many Clubs, Glen Waverley Combined Probus Club is staying connected – remotely – with the help of Zoom meetings.


Beechworth hat-trick

In March this year, Beechworth Combined Probus Club, with a membership of 75, witnessed an exceptional event. Three of the members celebrated their birthdays on the same day, March 24.

Yarrawonga Mulwala Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Yarrawonga Mulwala Celebrates 30th Anniversary.

A step back in time

There was a grey sky in Melbourne when the East Malvern Probus group left Southern Cross Station for Bendigo and the Lost Trades Fair.


Here’s to Jacqueline

Kerang Probus Club held its AGM earlier in March, where Jacqueline Hibbert was awarded a Life Membership.


Ringwood Clocktower Probus having fun!

Ringwood Clocktower Probus having fun!

Australia Day Probians

The Essendon Central Probus Club recently celebrated its meeting with an Australia Day theme. Members enjoyed themselves, starting the meeting by singing the national anthem.


Mount Eliza Probus 35th Anniversary

Mount Eliza Probus 35th Anniversary.

St Leonards Probus Caravan and Cabin Group

St Leonards Probus Caravan and Cabin Group.

Essendon Buckley Park Probus Member Celebrates 100th Birthday

Essendon Buckley Park Probus Member Celebrates 100th Birthday.

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