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Many happy returns

Over 75 Probians and partners from all over the Riverland and the Mallee gathered to celebrate the 30th birthday of the Loxton Men’s Probus Club in June.

Celebrating 28 years

The Naracoorte Ladies Probus Club celebrate their 28 birthday.


Dancing queens

The fabulous Collinswood Combined Probus Club had a great time at their 22nd birthday celebrations recently, when a Bollywood dancer attended their party and gave the members a short lesson.

Combined Probus Club of Novar Gardens celebrate their 20th anniversary.

Combined Probus Club of Novar Gardens celebrate their 20th anniversary.

Combined Probus Club of Barossa Caravan and Camping Group

Combined Probus Club of Barossa Caravan and Camping Group.

Probus Club of Victor Harbor/ Granite Island Photos

Probus Club of Victor Harbor Granite Island Photos

Many happy returns

Happy 20th birthday to the Jamestown Probus Club! Derek, the club’s first Vice President and Dulcie, the first Tour Director, were special guests of the celebrations earlier in the year.

Naracoorte Ladies Probus Club Hosts the D9780 Information Day

The Naracoorte Ladies Probus Club (SA) had the privilege of hosting the information day for district 9780

Maggie Beer’s Pheasant Farm

Combined Probus Club of Barossa knitters group at Maggie Beer’s Pheasant Farm.

Barossa Probus Club Activities

Barossa Probus Clubs get together for fellowship.

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