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Probus Club of Goulburn & District Inc.

Read more about whats happening in the Probus Club of Goulburn & District Inc.

Maroubra Men's Probus Club Updates

Maroubra Men's Probus Club Updates

Parramatta District Probus Club celebrates their 20th Club Anniversary

Parramatta District Probus Club celebrates their 20th Club Anniversary

28th Changeover Luncheon

Woolgoolga Probus Club Inc recently held their 28th Changeover Luncheon. 

Two members celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary

Founding members Merle & Albert Blatch celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary.

Gorokan Probus members enjoyed a Handover Lunch

Gorokan Probus members enjoyed a Handover Lunch

Members typify the spirit of Probus

The Springwood Mens Probus Cub only 32 members but these men typify the spirit of Probus.


When the Lord created beauty, he made it clean and green along the southern coastline, where our Mudgee Probus Club has been. We toured for the scenery and attractions of the day, to cram a feast of friendship into a four day stay.


For art's sake

The town of Kurri Kurri has over 50 outdoor public artworks on display, which the walking group of the Tenambit Morpeth Probus Club recently enjoyed. 

Lindfield East Probus Club Celebrates 25 years!

Lindfield East Probus Club Celebrates 25th club anniversary.

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